This month marks the 35th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. It also marks a nightmare for the illegitimate regimes in the Muslim East led by the Saudi clan.
This solar month in the Gregorian calendar (February) is the month in which the Islamic Revolution in Iran broke through the Zionist-imperialist regional and worldwide nexus 35 years ago. The 10th of February, 1979 — when the late Imam Khomeini returned triumphantly to his country of birth and began the long process of anchoring into our times the first expression of an Islamic state — coincides with the 12th of Rabi‘ al-Awwal 1399ah, which according to Sunni record keeping is the day and month our beloved Prophet (pbuh) was born.
This writer remembers the elation and high spirits that accompanied that historic breakthrough. Almost all Muslims from the sun-rising East to the sun-setting West were joyful and jubilant that a man of God (the Imam) defeated a character of Satan (the Shah). There was one area in the Muslim world that could not reconcile itself with this sea change and that was and continues to be Saudi Arabia. Here, Saudi Arabia is in the company of Israel, and Israel’s heavy-lifter, the US government. This Saudi family regime in its visceral hatred of the Islamic Awakening in Iran — led by Imams and martyrs — financed the Iraqi imposed war on Islamic Iran, eight bloody long years never to be forgotten by any member of any Islamic movement yearning for and working on Islamic self-determination.
Let us take a look at this huge gas station (Saudi Arabia) situated in the Arabian Peninsula and try to figure out its political psychology. Prior to the Islamic Revolution and up until this very day Saudi Arabia presents itself as the saintlike figure of the Sunnis and the “Arabs,” especially those who, to one degree or another, fit into an Islamic program. Many Islamic movements in Arab countries (especially Egypt) and Muslim countries (especially Pakistan) have not distanced themselves, much less exposed, the evil incarnate that is Saudi Arabia. As this is the case, Saudi Arabia is a threat on par with Israel to Islamic self-determination and liberation. With events taking a deadly sectarian genocidal turn in Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, and Lebanon it doesn’t take a genius to trace this turmoil and upheaval to the combined malice of Saudi fanaticism and finances.
Islamic Iran — even though today’s political climate does not permit it to say so — has all the right in the world to be skeptical about an Arabia occupied by Saudis. The first apprehension about a Saudized Arabia is its royal family’s permission given to enemies to have multiple military bases in every quadrant of the Arabian Peninsula. Another aspect unsettling to the Islamic State in Iran is Saudi interference in the internal affairs of its neighbors. Another worrying development is the behind-the-scenes collaboration between Arabia’s mushriks and Palestine’s Zionists. King ‘Abdullah’s venomous words some years ago are today’s policies; he spoke to his American political masters telling them to cut off the head of the snake, by which he meant Islamic Iran. What would anyone expect an Islamic state in an ocean of satanic statelets to do? Is it not justified to be mistrustful of and on high guard concerning such psychology and such politics?
Think of yourself as an Islamic policy maker in Tehran; you see the Arabian Saudis scrambling to procure an atomic bomb (news sources say from Pakistan or even from Israel) to use it for purposes of defending themselves from an Islamic neighbor (Iran), which does not have any atomic weapons, whereas in the last half century — since the Zionists acquired their hundreds of nuclear weapons and bombs — the Saudis did not bat an eyelash! It is sad, indeed, to look at the “Islamic movements” that are incapable of standing up to this Saudi servility to granduncle Sam and Benjamin the boss.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, in both the Rafsanjani and Khatami administrations, held out a hand of understanding to Saudi Arabia and its patrons only to be rebuffed and then labeled as a member of “the axis of evil” by the president of the United States, and all but kafirs by Saudi propagandists.
President Rohani runs the risk of becoming another Gorbachev with his Glasnost or ‘Arafat with his “olive branch”; Gorbachev nowadays is nowhere to be found and ‘Arafat is six feet under. The Islamic Republic of the Imam and the martyrs has been the backbone of resistance to Zionism, the gradual assimilation of Iraq, building a bridge out of Syria and supporting the resistance and liberation movement of Hizbullah in Lebanon. This, of course, has not been a bed of roses. The economy of the Islamic Republic is under a worldwide sanctions regime supervised and paid for by that notorious trio: Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States government. Located between the average member of the Islamic movement and the average citizen of the Islamic Republic, the government in Tehran finds itself after eight years of a tilt toward the external on its way back in a tilt toward the internal.
President Rohani and his team should be advised that in their ardor to avoid becoming another North Korea or Cuba they run the risk of looking like another Egypt or Saudi Arabia. For the record here, both Rafsanjani’s and Khatami’s administrations were Iran-centric (16 years). Ahmadinejad’s administration (8 years) was not Iran-centric. This would tell us that the gravity of the citizens of the Islamic Republic exceeds the gravity of the members of the Islamic movements. In the opinion of this writer, this is due to the financial strings and fiscal chains the Saudi regime has on the “Sunni” component of the global Islamic movement. Forget Iran for a moment, look at Egypt. The Saudis are in a proxy war with the Ikhwan, taking the side of the Egyptian military and regime and still the Ikhwan have not found it within themselves to reveal and exhibit the nature of the Saudi monarchy.
The Islamic Republic and its able leadership (Imam Khamenei) should and must be weary of the sectarian destructiveness that the Saudi regime has been fueling and fanning for the past 35 years. For all practical purposes, the Saudi polity has been exporting sectarianism ever since 1979, particularly in countries where there is a blend of Sunnis and Shi‘is: Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan. The Saudi propaganda empire never misses an occasion to speak about the “Iranian occupation of three Emirati islands in the ‘Arabian’ Gulf” but never have we heard one word about the Israeli occupation of Saudi islands in the Gulf of ‘Aqabah.
During the reign of King Faisal, Saudi Arabia built a media reputation for itself championing “Islamic Solidarity” (al-Tadamun al-Islami) — King Faisal’s own words — in the aftermath of the burning of al-Masjid al-Aqsa by a fanatic Zionist in the Summer of 1969. Now the Yahudi-Saudi regime is the champion of divisions and divisiveness. The Saudi club of rulers are very upset with the emerging integration of Iraq and Iran because there is a strong Shi‘i tie-in. So why don’t they build on the strong Sunni tie-in with their neighbors? The fact of the matter is that the Saudis have no tie-ins with anyone. They were created to undo, untie, and unmake any potential for integration or consolidation. Their hate literature is legendary.
With all the vice and vile of the Saudi regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran cannot and should not come to blows with it. This would be playing into the hands of those who are planning a hemispheric Islamic civil war. In other words, the Islamic Republic of Iran, due to the current atmospherics, disqualifies from taking on the Saudi client regime militarily. This task is best left to the Islamic movement with all its wings. And it is this same Islamic movement that is unwilling and/or incapable — until now — of mobilizing the public to rid the world of this Saudi mutation of munkar.
The Islamic movement outside Iran has been living in its own dispersion for generations now. It made its way to parliaments and palaces in — among other places — Egypt and Turkey. And then in Egypt now the Islamic movement is virtually behind bars and in the streets. In Turkey, the military is sharpening its knives and the judiciary is breathing down their necks. After all this, one would think that level-minded people would appreciate an Islamic State that stood the test of time, offered hundreds of thousands of martyrs, and broke new ground in Islamic governance.
If anything, we salute the insight, the endurance, and the intelligence of this revolution and congratulate it on its 35th year of pioneering the way to a better tomorrow for the Muslims and the oppressed. And most importantly, in this writer’s opinion, we salute the Islamic Revolution for exposing the evildoing of the Saudi ruling class. Every commendation of the Islamic leadership in Iran is by necessity a condemnation of the anti-Islamic rulers in Arabia.
Are We to render those who yield [to Allah’s power and authority] on par with those who are criminals? (68:35).