The massacre of Muslims may have occurred in Nigeria but it aroused the concern of people from all walks of life worldwide. Rallies protesting the horrific massacre have been held in London (UK), Washington DC and New York (US) and Toronto (Canada). There have also been protest rallies in Iran, Pakistan, India and a host of other countries. In each locale, there were calls for the arrest and trial of the Nigerian army chief Tukur Buratai.
Soldiers are trained to kill but their job is to do so against external enemies and in defence of the State. The Nigerian army, like that in Egypt and other parts of the Muslim world, revel in killing their own citizens. The December 12 attack on the Islamic movement in Nigeria has resulted in the cold blooded murder of nearly 1000 innocent Muslims. Will the murderers face trial for their crimes? It is not even being mentioned.
Far from confronting the Boko Haram terrorists, the Nigerian army, governors, government functionaries and amirs are running away from the threat.
Had they been animals instead of humans, there would be much hue and cry in the west about the killing of civilians in Iraq. Since Muslim life is considered cheap, snuffing it out does not evoke even a yawn in the “civilized” west whose shock troopers, the takfiris, are busy doing the west's and the zionists' dirty work. The number of civilians killed in Iraq in October surpassed the staggering figure of 6700.
The anniversary of the massacre at Sabra and Shatilla should remind everyone of the criminal nature of the Zionist regime.
Thousands of Palestinians and Lebanses were massacred by Christian Phalangist forces supported by Zionist Israel in 1982. Reader Mohamed E. Hawash recalls the Zionist-Phalangist crimes.
The Nigerian regime of Goodluck Jonathan is not only corrupt but also completely subservient to the zionists. To prove loyalty to his masters, his army perpetrated a bloodbath of peaceful participants in the Quds day rally.
The zionists are slaughtering innocent Palestinians in Gaza while their agents around the world are busy killing those that protest such crimes. This is what happened in Nigeria when the army opened fire on Quds Day rally participants killing 25 instantly. Another 12 people were arrested and executed at an army compound. The dead included three sons of Mallam Ibrahim Zakzaky, leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria.
American Senator Rand Paul says the US government is involved in training and arming ISIS terrorists and its allies that have caused havoc in Syria and Iraq. The Republican Senator from Kentucky said had it not been for American support, ISIS would not be spreading terror in Iraq today. In the photo, ISIS terrorists are seen shooting and killing civilians dumped in a ditch in Tal Afar in Iraq.
America’s drone warfare is not only killing innocent people in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but the UN is finally taking steps to examine whether these constitute war crimes.
1Drone attacks have killed thousands of innocent people in such places as Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. Zainab Cheema reviews a book on Drone warfare by Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt.
A survivor of the Srebrenica genocide has made an explosive allegation against Rais al-Ulama (Grand Mufti) Mustafa Ceric of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Serbia’s war crimes...
With bones of massacre victims still being identified, many family members choose to reopen graves for each new fragment...
Hardly had the blood dried on Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s hands after the storming of the historic Kerisik mosque in Pattani last April, than the ‘Butcher of Bangkok’ committed another horrifying massacre of Muslims...
Russian president Vladimir Putin, in a vain attempt to exploit the Beslan school siege in North Ossetia on September 3, in which more than 340 people died, has sharply increased the scale and intensity of executions, tortures and kidnaps in Chechnya that are already a part of the Chechens’ lives...
1Hundreds of Iraqis were killed, and the centre of the holy city of Najaf, the home of the shrine of Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra), devastated by a massive American assault on the city which lasted for most of August...
Since the fall of Suharto Indonesia's journey to ‘democracy' has been marked by court trials involving its past rulers. Curiously, any trial in Indonesia attracts western attention to their disputed ‘credibility'...
It is perhaps not surprising that of all the incidents of violence in Palestine over the last month, the one that attracted the most headlines worldwide was the roadside bomb that killed three US ‘security guards’ (CIA agents, according to some reports) on October 15.
Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon achieved his objective of forcing an end to the road map peace plan last month, when Hamas and Islamic Jihad issued a joint statement formally ending the conditional ceasefire they had declared on June 29.
While Americans mark the second anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, Muslims will be marking another tragedy. ZAFAR BANGASH remembers the massacres of Sabra and Shatilla.