A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Adamu Adamu


Daily News Analysis

Malcolm X on the mind

Adamu Adamu

Jumada' al-Ula' 12, 14372016-02-21

February 21 marks the 51st anniversary of the martyrdom of El Haj Malik el-Shabazz, better known as Macolm X. Born Malcolm Little, he adopted the letter 'X' after his name to signify rejection of the name imposed on him by the white supremacist establishment. His was a life of struggle, sacrifice and ultimately triumph through martyrdom. We reproduce this article first published in Crescent International on March 1, 2015 to honor him.

News & Analysis

Tears for the Haramayn

Adamu Adamu

Dhu al-Hijjah 17, 14362015-10-01

With recurring tragedies virtually every Eid, Muslims should not accept the excuses offered by the Bani Saud. They must be held accountable for their negligence and incompetence...

News & Analysis

Nigeria’s election: unfurling the spangled

Adamu Adamu

Rajab 12, 14362015-05-01

Mohammad Buhari won the Nigerian presidential election fair and square. The US tried to interject itself into the fray not because it loves democracy but because it has an altogether different agenda. Beware the American benevolence!

News & Analysis

Nigeria: the emperor’s new polls

Adamu Adamu

Jumada' al-Akhirah 12, 14362015-04-01

Even before the votes were cast, Goodluck Jonathan’s cronies were predicting his victory in Nigeria’s election. Widespread rigging has been reported.

News & Analysis

Nigeria: return of June 12

Adamu Adamu

Jumada' al-Ula' 10, 14362015-03-01

The Nigerian regime postponed presidential elections scheduled for February 14 because the challenger Muhammad Buhari was set to win. It revived memories of a similar disruption in June 1993 when Moshood Abiola was deprived of his victory. In the earlier case, voting had taken place but the result was not announced.

News & Analysis

Nigeria: Budget and spoils of war

Adamu Adamu

Rabi' al-Thani 11, 14362015-02-01

President Goodluck Jonathan is brazen to the point of being obnoxious about pouring money into his own area while ignoring other parts of the country especially Muslim majority areas. Nigerians hope the February 14 elections will consign him to the dustbin of history.

News & Analysis

Nigeria’s tragedy in a nutshell

Adamu Adamu

Safar 08, 14362014-12-01

Far from confronting the Boko Haram terrorists, the Nigerian army, governors, government functionaries and amirs are running away from the threat.

Main Stories

Nigeria: lament of a nation

Adamu Adamu

Sha'ban 03, 14352014-06-01

What is Boko Haram, what role is the American CIA playing in its promotion and who else is behind it are questions addressed by Adamu Adamu in Nigeria

Nigeria: Hajj and the Saudis [II]

Adamu Adamu

Dhu al-Qa'dah 25, 14332012-10-12

In the last days of the Ottoman Empire, the people of the Arabian Peninsula had gone back to their pre-Islamic tribal existence of warfare and banditry. This was the time of European intrusion into the Muslim World, a world that became the victim of a web of international intrigue the like of which the world had not as yet seen.


Nigeria: Hajj and the Saudis [I]

Adamu Adamu

Dhu al-Qa'dah 18, 14332012-10-05

The news came that Saudi Arabia has detained for four to five days at two of its international airports without adequate food or drink and under deplorable condition, and then turned back more than a thousand of our women pilgrims who were not accompanied by a Mahram, a husband or a non-marriageable close relative.

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