The Islamic movement is the natural platform to pursue and advance the Islamic agenda in all spheres of life: political, social and economic. It needs the building of trust but this will not be possible if Muslims play politics with Allah’s Deen.
Despite the indescribable suffering inflicted on the Palestinian people, Islam’s political power is re-emerging in the world. It is this rise that terrifies the zionists and imperialists. Committed Muslims are changing the political dynamics of the world.
Ulul amr is an important Islamic concept. Its correct understanding is essential in order to understand who qualifies to be called ulul amr.
There are sectarians among the “Sunnis” and there are sectarians among the “Shi’is”. Both must be confronted in order to establish a genuine Islamic ethos in the Muslim world where regrettably many “Islamists” seem not to be able to develop a clear understanding of the challenges facing them.
Successive military regimes in Egypt have a gory record of murdering innocent people. General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has the worst record of all. Many leading Islamic movement activists, former members of parliament or ministers, face imminent execution following farcical trials.
Among many trouble spots in the world, two stand out: Kashmir and Palestine. People in both locales face a ruthless enemy hell-bent on wiping out their identity. The people of Kashmir have been struggling for their basic rights for more than 70 years. They need our support.
The Islamic movement was missing from anti-government protests in Algeria last year. How did this come about when in the 1990s, the Islamic Salvation Front had swept all polls—local as well as those at state level? We examine the issue.
That Muslims are undergoing much suffering is well known. How to change this grim reality is the real challenge. Unless Muslims begin to think within the framework of Islamic principles, they will not achieve the result they desire.
With the emergence of the Huseyniyyun organization in Azerbaijan, the Aliyev regime has lost its monopoly on force. It bodes ill for the autocratic ruler.
We continue our conversation with Dr John Andrew Morrow about his views on the role of Muslims in North America.
Seven years after the first stirrings of revolt against autocratic rulers in the Muslim East, while the movements have died down, it has emboldened people to stand up for their rights.
Islam’s core values and principles make it immune to co-optation. While the unipolar world is collapsing, other power centers are emerging to take its place. Islam will play a significant role in this.
Muslims living as minorities in the West have an obligation to become engaged in local issues of justice and equality even while struggling for their rights.
في نطاقها الأوسع[1]، تمتد الحركة الإسلامية لتشمل الأمة بأسرها. بينما تتمثَّل أضيق هذه النطاقات الحركية في شطر الأمةِ الأكثر سعًيا نحو الهدف النهائي[2] وقبل نحو عامٍ تقريبًا[3]، كان من الصعب تحديد مجموعة ريادية واحدة داخل الحركة الإسلامية، رغم أن عددًا من المجموعات المنظَّمة قد بسطت دعواها بأنها طليعة هذه الحركة، وهي حركات وأحزاب مثل جماعة الإخوان المسلمين في العالم العربي، وجماعت إسلامي[4] في باكستان، كذا ادعت بعض الدول القومية التي يقطُنها مسلمون أنها «إسلامية».
The ruling AKP party in Turkey stands exposed. Its Islamic credentials are suspect. There is, however, a genuine Islamic movement in Turkey: Furkan Vakfi. It needs to be better known.
Fanatics come in all shapes and sizes. There are religious fanatics and then there are secular fanatics. Neither is acceptable. Since Islam has been hijacked by both, it is time for committed Muslims to reclaim it from their clutches.