After more than eight years of bloodletting, the grand conspiracy of regime change in Syria is finally seeing its end with the last remnants of the takfiri terrorists on the verge of final defeat.
The terrorists are all assembled in Syria’s Idlib province now but the US and its allies including Turkey want to protect them. Syria is determined to liberate every inch of its territory from the scourge of terrorists. Ultimately, the US would not be able to protect its terrorist proxies.
Didn’t the Western rulers and their media tell us that they are opposed to the takfiri terrorists? So why are they so grief-stricken at the terrorists’ defeat in Aleppo?
Civilian suffering, especially that of children, always arouses deep concern among Muslims, indeed all people. Human suffering of any kind should concern people everywhere and they should help end this tragic situation as quickly as possible. It is, however, at the larger level that there is much confusion and misunderstanding about what is really afoot in Syria.