The Najdi Bedouins are living up to their savage nature. They have just advertised the hiring of eight new executioners because the current number of head choppers is simply not enough to do the job. The executioners need no qualifications or training; they only need to be willing to chop heads, in public!
Both Human Rights Watch and the UN Human Rights Council have condemned the Saudi regime for harassing and torturing human rights activists for doing no more than peacefully demanding basic rights.
In a stinging 188-page report, Human Rights Watch has accused the Sisi-led military regime of premeditated murder and genocide against innocent civilians in Egypt. HRW has called for putting these people on trial.
Calling for reforms in Saudi Arabia is considered “terrorism”. A prominent human rights lawyer Waleed Abulkhair has been tortured and being moved from prison to prison because he had dared to defend those that called for reforms in the kindgom. His case has moved even Human Rights Watch to issue a statement about his torture.
Human Rights Watch has accused a dozen Egyptian officials including the current president General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of perpetrating crimes against humanity during last year's attack on peaceful protesters and called for an international investigation. Will these materialize? Given the international environment and the outlaw regimes backing Sisi and his thugs, it is highly unlikely but HRW's exposure of such crimes is welcome.
The Saudi regime has lost its mind. Waleed Abulkhair, a prominent human rights lawyer and activist, has just been sentenced to 15 years in jail and fined 200,000 Saudi riyals ($54,000). His only crime is to call for reforms and release of political prisoners.
While appearing for a court hearing, albeit behind closed doors, human rights lawyer and activist Waleed Abulkhair was sent to prison. He was out on bail following his three-month sentence last October for “insulting the judiciary,” the “authorities” and “holding unauthorized meetings.” The regime has become totally paranoid but its oppressive tactics seem not to work as people are posting messages on YouTube demanding basic rights.
With the death of warlord, 'Marshal' Mohammad Qasim Fahim (of natural causes, mind you), Afghanistan's stock of warlords is dwindling. President Hamid Karzai expressed grief at losing his 'first” vice president. Three days of mourning have been declared. Who will mourn the butcher from the north?
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have questioned US drone strikes and say those that authorize them may face war crimes charges. The UN has also condemned them.
Human-rights groups Amnesty International (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) have published reports accusing the Sudanese government of complicity in the mass rapes and ethnic cleansing attributed to Janjaweed, despite previous denials by Khartoum...