The Najdi Bedouins are living up to their savage nature. They have just advertised the hiring of eight new executioners because the current number of head choppers is simply not enough to do the job. The executioners need no qualifications or training; they only need to be willing to chop heads, in public!
Monday May 18, 2015, 20:49 DST
The Najdi Bedouin savages that emerged from the dark crevices more than two centuries ago have been busy chopping heads at an alarming rate. This year alone, 84 people have been publicly beheaded, the overwhelming majority poor foreign workers. To put it in perspective, in the whole of last year (2014), 88 people were executed, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW). In less than five months of this year, this number is about to exceed last year’s total.
Naturally, this requires a large number of executioners. Not to worry. The “Saudi” regime has just advertised for eight new executioners. The head choppers do not need any specific qualifications, only the willingness to indulge in this macabre ritual in public.
Reflecting a grotesque form of black humor that only the Najdi Bedouins are capable of, the executioners are considered part of the country’s civil service and are described as “religious functionaries.” In the application, it also says that apart from chopping people’s head, the “civil servants” will also be required to amputate people’s hands convicted of stealing.
Now this is an interesting punishment. One wonders when will this apply to the so-called ruling family because without exception, everyone of them is a certified thief. If the law were equitably applied, no member of the ruling family would be left with a safe pair of hands. The vast majority would have to be stoned to death for committing adultery. That would be a sight and perhaps stones would have to be imported from abroad to meet the demand!
On Sunday May 17, the Najdi Bedouins beheaded another poor Pakistani worker convicted of drug trafficking (Pakistani rulers, please note). The Najid barbarians whose poisoned fruit is rampaging through Syria and Iraq beheading innocent people, are facing serious internal opposition, hence the large number of executions. Their barbarism will only intensify people’s hatred for the Najdi Bedouins and hasten their demise.
The Najdi Bedouins’ wrath is especially directed against foreign workers. On April 16, an Indonesian female domestic worker was executed. This came two days after another Indonesian maid was executed. There is no codified law in the kingdom. The whim of the presiding judge, often a moron who is appointed because of his connection to the ruling Bedouins, delivers harsh judgments. These are carried out publicly to terrorize people.
The blood of so many innocent people will surely short-circuit the tortuous existence of the Najdi barbarians. The Holy Land will soon be cleansed of their archaic practices, insha’Allah.