Last month there were several incidents in the Persian Gulf that have raised fears of a shooting war between Iran and the US and its sidekick Britain. The rogue regimes in Washington and London are playing with fire.
Iran has reacted angrily to Britain’s seizure of it oil tanker in the early hours of July 4 near Gibraltar. British commandos seized the supertanker Grace 1 as it sailed through the Strait of Gibraltar. It was carrying 2 million barrels of oil, reportedly destined for Syria.
Elites in Western societies are in panic. Elections are no longer yielding the results they had hoped for.
Russian-Iranian relations form the backdrop of this review in which Western writers are found to lack understanding of other societies because they have little knowledge of local languages, culture or access to primary sources. Dmitry Shlapentokh, associate professor at Indiana State University, South Bend, Indiana, reviews Russia-Iran Relations Since the End of the Cold War by Eric D. Moore (Routledge, 2014; 242 pp., $8.84 hbk).
In selecting Theresa May as the new prime minister, the British establishment has opted for another Margaret Thatcher. Can the consequences be any different for ordinary Brits, especially Muslims?
1One reader makes a tongue-in-cheek suggestion that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, currently in Britain, wants to help the Brits overcome their problems after the Brexit vote by becoming their prime minister!
Europe is in political and financial turmoil following the referendum in Britain where 52% voted to leave the European Union (EU). It has forced the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron who wanted Britain to stay. The EU leaders are angry and want the Brits to get the hell out and not wait until October to start the process of separation. The EU itself may not survive the shock.
1There has been an alarming rise in anti-Muslim sentiments and attacks throughout Europe and North America. While there are Muslim extremists as well, attacks against Muslims go largely unreported and unpunished.
Even as British Prime Minister David Cameron thundered against the ISIS terrorists (aka takfiris, Da‘ish, or ISIL) that had caused mayhem, death, and destruction in Paris on November 13, he was happily consorting with another terrorist.
Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader of the British Labour Party should not be exaggerated or minimized. He is certainly not your average politician hence the long daggers drawn out against him...
The abrupt halt to the trial of a Swedish citizen last month because it would have exposed British intelligence agency’s links to terrorist groups in Syria has shed light on the sordid role of the British government.
The takfiris are using the Internet to lure young Muslim and convert girls into their web of evil. Most of these girls are used virtually as slaves.
The people of Scotland voted by 55% to 47% to stay in Britain but their referendum has shaken the usually smug politicians in London to take note. British Prime Minister David Cameron whose job was on the line, promised after the result, to allow more powers to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The regimes in the Arabian Peninsula and in Palestine are both usurpers and their removal will help bring about peace in the region for all people.
The Saudi regime uses different means to divide Muslims. One is to spread hatred against some Muslims thereby confusing others. Many innocent Muslims think that just because a Saudi preacher is appointed to lead prayers in Masjid al-Haram or Masjid-e Nabawi, that he must be a great scholar of Islam. One such preacher, Adel al-Kalbani was denied entry into Britain because the authorities felt he would merely create divisions.
The American social and aristocratic class is as rigidly hierarchical as the British monarchy the American media seems to deride. In fact, evidence shows that those born into the top 1 per cent continue to enjoy the benefits of the system far more than those at the bottom. The system favours the top 1 per cent disporportionately to the detriment of others.
The riots in London and other British cities that briefly captured world headlines last month were not unexpected. Ever since the economic downturn began to bite, and particularly since the election last year of a right-wing government dogmatically committed to cutting the benefits of the poorest and the taxes of the wealthiest, social commentators have been warning of the possible reactions to such measures.