The takfiris are using the Internet to lure young Muslim and convert girls into their web of evil. Most of these girls are used virtually as slaves.
October 21, 2014, 21:28 DST
The takfiris know how to grab headlines. Post gruesome beheading videos of westerners and these are sure to attract western media outlets as happened with videos posted on the Internet in August and September.
The west only responds when horrible things are done to westerners. When the takfiris were slaughtering innocent Muslims or even Christians and others in Syria, it aroused amused curiosity but such horrific acts were dismissed. ‘They are savages,’ was a common refrain and then media outlets switched over to other ‘interesting stories.’
Now, the takfiris are in the news again. This time, there are reports that they have been luring young girls born and raised in the west, especially in France and Britain. While most of these girls are from Muslim families, there have also been reports of Jewish converts to Islam being lured by the takfiris. Israel’s Channel 2 quoted French government officials as saying that about 1000 French citizens, among them a handful of Jewish converts to Islam, have joined the takfiris in Syria.
The French Interior Ministry has compiled figures based on intelligence that show there are people of “Jewish extraction,” some of whom converted to Islam that have joined the takfiris.
Hitherto, western officials and media have concentrated on radicalized Muslims of whom several hundred, if not thousands have joined the takfiris. Most of these youth have gone from Britain and France but also from elsewhere in Europe.
There are also some youth from North America that have joined the takfiri brigades. In the US, calls have already been made to monitor all mosques as if such radicalism is preached from the mosque pulpit. It is already well known that all mosques in North America—Canada and the US—have been under close surveillance by intelligence agencies of the two countries since 911. Muslims critical of western aggression against Muslim countries have also been targeted yet not one “radical” Muslim has been caught anywhere. Why?
The answer is that mosques are not places where Muslim youth are radicalized. How did Jewish converts to Islam become radicalized, among them teenage girls, as the French government has revealed? Such radicalization takes place on the Internet. It seems the takfiris have set up sophisticated networks through which they are able to appeal to disgruntled Muslim youth or even converts. They have lured many girls, some as young as 13, into their evil web of deceit. There appears to be a vast network through which girls are lured, tickets purchased for them and flown to Turkey for their onward journey into Syria.
The Israeli daily, Haaretz reported on these developments on October 10 and October 14 narrating stories of young Muslim girls that were lured from France and ended up in virtual slavery in Syria. Israel’s Channel 2 quoted Meyer Habib, a Jewish member of the French parliament, who said the radicalized youth were the topic of conversation among France's Jewish community. However, he insisted, there was no “official proof” they actually joined the takfiris that call themselves the Islamic State.
Displaying open racism, Habib said if a Jewish girl did join the Islamic State, "it really is the end of the world" and complicates matters.
A French rabbi described the issue as being of great concern to many in the Jewish community. "It is inconceivable that this would happen," he told Channel 2. "There are many rumors swirling and we hope an official source will update us. Some say the Jewish girl converted, and that is also disconcerting."
In the past, there were reports of Qatari and Saudi men, some of them as old as 70, going to Syrian refugee camps in Jordan and taking young Syrian girls as brides. They were essentially buying girls, some as young as 12 or 14. Now we have the equally terrible news that young girls are being lured into the takfiris’ trap and being taken to areas under their control.
Why is the conversion of a Jewish girl to Islam so disconcerting? What is truly disconcerting is that youth—whether Muslim or Jewish—would adopt the takfiri ideology. It has been reported from reliable sources that the takfiris hold these girls in virtual slavery. They are used for cooking, cleaning houses, baby-sitting and in many instances forced into marriage with the takfiris.
In the past, there were reports of Qatari and Saudi men, some of them as old as 70, going to Syrian refugee camps in Jordan and taking young Syrian girls as brides. They were essentially buying girls, some as young as 12 or 14. Now we have the equally terrible news that young girls are being lured into the takfiris’ trap and being taken to areas under their control.
While their plight is grim, even if they manage to escape from the takfiris’ clutches, they cannot return to their country of origin—France or Britain—because their governments have said they will prosecute them. Such girls need to be rescued and rehabilitated, not punished.
Western intelligence agencies also need to come clean. In many instances, they have penetrated these groups and are directing many of the activities of the takfiris. It should be clear to all Muslims that the takfiris have nothing to do with Islam. Muslims should have no hesitation in condemning their barbaric practices and disown such criminals and mass murderers in unmistakable terms.