Rapes, including gang rapes and other forms of violence continue to escalate against women in India.
A Filipino domestic worker has died in hospital after being gang-raped by her Saudi employer. Will her employer face the death penalty for not one but two crimes: rape and murder?
1Rape is a very serious charge to be leveled against anyone. When a Saudi diplomat was accused of repeatedly raping two Nepalis women for several months, the police registered a case against him. But under pressure from the Saudi regime, the diplomat was whisked out of India last night. Isn't rape a very serious crime and don't women have any rights to secure justice for the horrific indignity they have suffered...
The Saudi regime and its court system are run by primitive savages. This was proved yet again when a gang-rape victim was sentenced to 200 lashes and six-month jail term for speaking to the media against the court verdict. The rapists--seven men--got away lightly.
The takfiris are using the Internet to lure young Muslim and convert girls into their web of evil. Most of these girls are used virtually as slaves.
Pakistani media outlets have sold themselves for a few dollars to run down Islam and Pakistan as the tragic murder of Farzana Parveen shows. What was a cold blooded murder by the family has been turned into 'stoning to death' story to please the media's Islam-hating Western masters. Once the truth is established, the media outlets, anchors and their owners ought to be brought before the court and given exemplary punishment for spreading lies.
Rape is becoming so widespread in India that many women are now afraid to come out. Women are targeted everywhere: in the cities as well as villages as the horrible case of two young girls gang-raped on May 27 shows. The assailants included two police officers. Where should the victims turn to for help if the police themselves are involved? India claims to be the world's largest democracy; it is the world's biggest rapist nation.
The truth about rapes in India has shocked this reader who was led to believe that India is the “largest democracy” in the world.
Rape is becoming so widespread in India that many women despair of ever getting any justice. The problem is deeply rooted in India’s predominantly Hindu religion and culture.
Rape has become a common feature of life in India. Women are humiliated and suppressed and their rape is considered a normal part of life. The latest assault and rape of a 51-year-old Danish tourist right in the heart of Delhi once again shines light on this very serious problem.
India claims to be the world’s largest democracy and that it is making great economic progress but none of this has trickled to the women of India. Dowry-related deaths have increased alarmingly and are drawing attention.
It is truly shocking that the Saudis and Qataris would stoop so low as to target vulnerable Syrian refugees in camps in Jordan and Turkey. Muslim should take note against these corrupters and take steps to get rid of them.
People in Saudi Arabia were outraged when a court said a preacher who was convicted of raping and brutally murdering his five-year-old daughter was to be set free after a few months in jail and paying “blood money” to the girl’s mother. What kind of law exists in the archaic kingdom?
What Indian occupation troops are doing in Kashmir, especially the gang rape of women, and the fact that not one perpetrator has been punished, indicates direct complicity of the Indian state in such crimes. The west’s silence over these crimes is equally shocking—and revealing.
India’s gang rape case has brought out the best and worst in people. Concern for the victim and refusal to allow the police or courts to sweep it under the rug has at the same time exposed the caste prejudice that pervades India despite its claims to modernism.
Indian occupation forces have been involved in horrible crimes against defenceless civilians in Kashmir for decades. While India refuses to allow international human rights organizations or the media to visit the state, an Indian human rights organization has painstakingly documented specific crimes and identified the names of perpetrators that the Indian government refuses to punish.
The December 16 gang-rape by six men and the subsequent death of a 23-year-old student has once again put the spotlight on this serious crime in India. Each year some 24,000 women are raped—a figure considered grossly under-reported because of the stigma attached with it—the issue has aroused the general public.
Sister Zainab Cheema’s shocking statistics about sexual violence in the US military as well as prisons (Crescent, 5-2012), is merely a reflection of the reality of life in much of the Western world.