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Letters To The Editor

Indian rapes

Kimberley Scott

The truth about rapes in India has shocked this reader who was led to believe that India is the “largest democracy” in the world.

I was truly shocked to read the appalling story of rape cases in India. As a woman I had no idea the situation was so grim for women in India that claims to be the world’s “largest democracy.” I was under the impression that India had a female prime minister, Indhira Gandhi, heralding women’s equality that has so far eluded many Western countries. There has never been a female president or vice president in the US; Canada’s one female prime minister, Kim Campbell, was thrown out of office within a few months. I now know better. Thank you.

Kimberley Scott

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 43, No. 1

Rabi' al-Thani 29, 14352014-03-01

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