Turkish-backed terrorists have started to target Turkish troops in Syria and are violating the March 5 agreement between Moscow and Ankara. This has put Erdogan in a quandary. He should abandon his support for the terrorists and bring to end this terrible project.
The Russian ideologue, philosopher and political scientist Alexandr Dugin has a lot to say about religions including Islam but his framework is entirely geopolitical. He totally fails to consider the moral and spiritual aspects of the deen of Islam, hence his failure to understand it
The traditionally Sufi-oriented former Soviet republics have been swept by Wahhabi zealots with disastrous consequences for the people.
The takfiri terrorists are on the run in Syria and Iraq. This is good news. It would, however, be wrong to assume that this fitnah has been eliminated.
Western regimes and intelligence agencies nurture the Takfiris to advance their own nefarious agenda in the Muslim world says this letter writer.
The people of Afghanistan have not witnessed a single day of peace since the April 27, 1978 coup against the government of Sardar Mohammad Daud. Millions have perished or made refugees over the years.
Victory of the resistance front in Syria against imperialist-Zionist-Wahhabi conspiracy has encouraged letter writer Aslam Sheikh.
Letter writer Nisar Dean has hit the nail on the head by saying Muslims need to change themselves first before there will be change in Muslim societies.
American officials of all stripes shamelessly tell lies and even make scandalous allegations against others. The latest to join this long list is US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power.
Didn’t the Western rulers and their media tell us that they are opposed to the takfiri terrorists? So why are they so grief-stricken at the terrorists’ defeat in Aleppo?
With 98 percent of East Aleppo already cleansed of terrorists, liberation of the remaining two percent came quickly today December 13. Under a deal brokered by Russia and Turkey, the terrorists were allowed to leave the city with only light weapons.
Syrian forces make rapid progress with Russian air support against the terrorists in eastern Aleppo. Next stop will be Raqqa.
Donald Trump’s election has caused panic among the takfiris who see their finances and support coming to an end.
A common threat from the takfiri terrorists has forced the two regimes in Egypt and Syria to cooperate with each other. This is a blow to Saudi machinations in the region.
2While the Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmarga forces have launched operations from the southeast and northeast respectively into Mosul, the western corridor to Syria remains wide open for the takfiris to escape. Why?
2It would have been far better for the nearly 200 Islamic scholars gathered in Grozny to avoid hurling labels of takfir at those they disagree with. Instead, they should have condemned their actions.
1It came as a shock to the Saudis that they were not only not invited to the Islamic conference in Grozny but that the final communiqué even excluded them from being Sunnis.
1The US-crafted Afghan regime with two rulers—a president and a chief executive—had little chance of success. It is coming unhinged amid political squabbling as the Taliban make military gains across the country.
Is the West, especially the US waking up to Saudi Arabia's destructive influence in the world? This article reproduced from the New York Times, raises pertinent questions about Saudi role, funding and ideological support of extremism in the Muslim world. The photo shows Saudi-inspired ISIS takfiri terrorists executing prisoners.