The death in cage in a Cairo courtroom of Egypt’s only elected President Mohamed Mursi was pre-planned because the regime deliberately denied him medication and proper care. In death, Mursi has become a martyr.
The Washington war dogs’ loud barking is an attempt to camouflage the total failure of their policy vis-à-vis Islamic Iran. Trump and his mad dog advisors have gone berserk and don’t know what to do.
India is not a democracy; it is a cesspool of Hindu extremism on a rampage to obliterate minorities. Muslims are their principal target.
The zio-imperialists’ last line of defence against Muslim self-determination: Wahhabi Arabia that is a veritable hate factory pitting Muslims against one another. Even the noble sanctuary in Makkah has been corrupted for this nefarious campaign.
Last month two conferences took place—Bilderberg and St Petersburg—yet their formats were very different. The first as usual was shrouded in secrecy while the second one was open and transparent.
While the Yemenis have suffered horribly at the hands of the Saudi-led attack, the victims are striking back with true grit and determination. They are delivering massive blows to the aggressors.
The UN human rights investigator has fingered Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, as the principal culprit in the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Inside the kingdom, the clown prince is planning to execute scholars that still have a conscience to terrorize people into submission.
Russia and China have both signaled that they are fed up of the US using the dollar to blackmail other countries into towing Washington’s diktat. They have, together with a number of countries, decided to ditch the dollar.
Only a mental retard will say he wants to negotiate and impose sanctions on the other side at the same time. This is what Donald Trump has done vis-a-vis Iran and then he expresses surprises that Tehran is not taking up his offer of talks.
Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is a crude attempt to buy off the Palestinians by burying their aspirations forever but it has found few takers.
US threats against Russia and China are nothing new; this has been Washington’s policy since 1992 articulated by the notorious Zionist warmonger, Paul Wolfowitz. The result is Russia and China are getting closer to each other and shifting the balance of power to Eurasia.
Well-healed Zionist individuals and organizations are behind the rising tide of Islamophobia worldwide. Some of these individuals hide behind anonymity but their nefarious agenda is becoming exposed.
With the emergence of the Huseyniyyun organization in Azerbaijan, the Aliyev regime has lost its monopoly on force. It bodes ill for the autocratic ruler.
Kashmir has never been a part of India but in typical duplicitous fashion, Indian rulers first illegally occupied the state and are now waging a genocidal campaign to crush Kashmiri aspirations.
Through his Covenants, the Prophet had created a pluralist society but opportunistic narrow-minded sectarians among Muslims have destroyed it resulting in disasters like that in Gaza and elsewhere.
The disproportionate influence of the Zionist lobby on behalf of a foreign government is distorting Canadian policy both at home and abroad. This threatens the very fabric of Canadian society.
US belligerence and policy of ‘exceptionalism’ are driving Russia and China closer to each other to create a multipolar world.
Allah (swt) gave me a wonderful opportunity to finish reading the first volume of the tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture.
Zalmay Khalilzad is a nasty creature. He is staunchly anti-Muslim and despite being born in Afghanistan, he is working to undermine the very people from whose ranks he emerged.
It is regrettable that most Muslims do not realize how serious the threat to al-Masjid al-Aqsa and the entire Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem is.
It was heartening to read that at least some Muslim countries are working to promote trade between each other (“The Other Silk Road,” Crescent, June 2019).