Recep Tayip Erdogan has won another convincing election victory. Would he now rectify some of his past errors?
The Arabians, including intellectuals cannot bring themselves to accept that Islamic Iran is right and they are wrong and acting in such a petty manner.
Scientific inquiry has a place in Muslim development but science should not be treat as the be-all and end-all of everything.
The Western media’s hegemony has been exposed over its falsehoods in Syria.
Neo-cons still wedded to the idea of global domination even as US power declines.
Trump’s hypocrisy was on full display as he met North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in Singapore
The UN High Commission for Human Rights issued a scathing report about Indian atrocities in Kashmir but the Hindu rulers are unperturbed.
The Taliban control much of the country and America has lost the war in Afghanistan but the Yankees are not going home, yet!
By separating children from parents, especially mothers, Trump has exposed himself yet again as a callous, selfish beast.
Much media hype about Trump’s bad manners at the G7 summit but the sky is not falling.
The US deep state and its current front man are obsessed about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons .
That democracy is a fraud is now well established. In Pakistan’s case, it is also a big time money game.
Going after the crooks in Malaysia has exposed some unsavory foreign characters as well, including the Saudis.
The Zionists are compulsive liars. These were on full display following the Quds Day rally in Toronto in June. Their libelous allegations, however, are now going to be challenged in court.
Challenges can be turned into opportunities if the right approach to problem-solving is adopted.
Life is becoming increasingly difficult for Muslims in North America. For Muslim inmates, it is much worse.
We need to recognize unity in diversity and appreciate the differences we may have over minor issues, says Dr John Andrew Morrow.
Soviet Union’s demise opened the floodgates to Western capitalists’ exploitation of Eastern Europe
The Muslim world is full of nasty regimes and obnoxious rulers. The Saudi regime tops the list. The Saudi clown prince, Bin Salman, is a truly toxic character who stoops to kiss the boots of his Zionist and imperialist masters but has no compunction about killing innocent people as in Syria and Yemen.
It is reflective of the depth to which the Muslim rulers have sunk that the imperialists and Zionists declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel but there is not even a murmur of protest. Most of them did not utter even a word of protest at this insult to the Ummah and the first qiblah of the Muslims.
We should keep a record of Zionist crimes in Palestine, especially in Gaza. These should be properly documented with names of people killed or injured and the date on which it occurred. Such data collection is important for the future.