A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Jumada' al-Ula', 14392018-02-01

Crescent International Vol. 46, No. 12


Imam Khamene’i! Please Stay the Course

Abu Dharr

Appeal to Imam Khamene’i to continue on the revolutionary path of resistance.

News & Analysis

Ahed Tamimi: New Face of Palestinian Resistance

Ghada Nablusi

Heroic 16-year-old offers hope for renewed Intifadah

Main Stories

Islamic Revolution: The New Power Centre

Zafar Bangash

As the Islamic revolution enters its 40th year, we examine its achievements and challenges


Is Canada a Metis Civilization? Part 3: Transition to Self-Government

Eric Walberg

Author Eric Walberg examines efforts by Canada’s First Nations to assert their rights.

News & Analysis

US Reaction to Recent Riots in Iran

Jamshed Abbas

The US tried to use the relatively small protests that degenerated into riots to undermine the Islamic government in Iran.

News & Analysis

Al-Quds: The Capital

Eric Walberg

The seat of faith, not the nexus of Jewish exclusivism


The Real Axis of Evil in the World


Imperialism, Zionism and Hindu Nazism have emerged as the real axis of evil in the world.


US for Endless War in Syria

Zafar Bangash

With the defeat of its terrorist proxies in Syria, the US now wants to establish a 30,000 “border force” to perpetuate its illegal presence in the country.

Editor's Desk

Shaykh Zakzaky’s Unending Suffering


In prison since December 2015, a badly wounded Shaykh Zakzaky and his wife continue to be held illegally despite a court order to release them.


The Language of Delegitimization

Zafar Bangash

Western regimes and their corporate media use insulting and derogatory labels for governments that do not follow the West’s diktat.

News & Analysis

Time for the US to Quit Afghanistan

Zia Sarhadi

The US has lost the war in Afghanistan. It is time to pack up and leave.

News & Analysis

Islamophobic Russian Media Undermines Moscow

Tahir Mahmoud

While spouting anti-imperialist rhetoric, Russian media still view Muslims as “aliens”, reflecting the European Russians’ racism.

News & Analysis

Bin Salman: Trump’s Boy in Riyadh

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Saudi clown prince tries to ingratiate himself to the Americans to secure his hold on power. Will he succeed?

Book Review

From Yahweh to Zion

Kevin Barrett

Zionists try to turn God into an exclusive Jewish deity.

News & Analysis

Will Pakistan Cut the American Umbilical Cord?

Tahir Mustafa

Facing humiliation in Afghanistan, Trump blames Pakistan for US failures.

Book Review

Will Madman Trump Rain “Fire and Fury” on the world?

Kevin Barrett

With his itchy finger on the nuclear button, arrogant and dumb Trump is a clear danger to the world.

Letters To The Editor

Milestone for The Ascendant Qur’an

Muslim Mahmood

The Ascendant Qur’an, celebrating its tenth anniversary (first volume was printed in 2008).

Letters To The Editor


Sadiq Abul Khayr

Jerusalem is not and will never be the capital of Zionist Israel. It is a holy city in a holy land that has been occupied by mass murderers and thieves from Europe, Russia, and North America.

Letters To The Editor

UN as US Bully Pulpit

P. Cartwright

The United Nations General Assembly is a platform where diplomats from around the world use diplomatic language even if it is largely contrived, mostly grandstanding.

Letters To The Editor


John Freedman

The New York Zoo has issued a notice that an escaped orangutan from the zoo (in 2016) has been sighted at various times in Washington, DC and Florida.

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