A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Dhu al-Hijjah, 14372016-10-01

Crescent International Vol. 45, No. 8


Needed: paradigm shift in Muslim thought

Zafar Bangash

Muslims must break the habit of thinking inside the box. There needs to be a paradigm shift in their thought process to bring about the desired change in their societies.


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me

Abu Dharr

The Saudis are being set up for a fall but they think the imperialists and Zionists are their friends and will save them.

Main Stories

Syria’s ceasefire blown up by US bombing

Tahir Mahmoud

While the US-Russia brokered ceasefire was not expected to last long, the American air strike on the Syrian air base at Deir az-Zour blew it up in less than a week. Why?

Special Reports

Rise of the halal products industry

Khadijah Ali

The halal products industry is a multi-billion dollar business and as more Muslim consumers demand products suitable to their needs, this industry will grow. Will Muslim States take advantage of this?

Editor's Desk

Kashmir cause undermined by Pakistani journalists


What should Pakistan do? Nothing, as far as these journalists are concerned. They are more interested in whiskey and being in the company of Bollywood actresses. What a disgrace!

News & Analysis

First-ever UN refugee summit a dismal failure

Waseem Shehzad

The first-ever refugee summit at the UN was long on rhetoric and short on action. Further, it was far too Eurocentric and ignored countries that really have taken in the largest number of refugees.


Libya comes full circle in five years

Zafar Bangash

Five years after Colonel Muammar Qaddafi was publicly lynched, the people of Libya are again turning to the Qaddafi family to save them from the mayhem that has engulfed the country.

News & Analysis

Who establishes Hajj rules: Allah or Bani Saud?

Zafar Bangash

Since the Bani Saud occupied the Arabian Peninsula nearly 100 years ago, they have imposed rules that run contrary to the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. They should not be allowed to get away with this.

Special Reports

Desirable and undesirable change in the Ummah - I

Zafar Bangash

Change is a constant in human life. How change is managed, shaped and directed ultimately determines the way people govern their lives.

News & Analysis

Grozny conference challenges the Saudis

Tahir Mustafa

It came as a shock to the Saudis that they were not only not invited to the Islamic conference in Grozny but that the final communiqué even excluded them from being Sunnis.


Outcome of the Islamic conference in Grozny

Zafar Bangash

It would have been far better for the nearly 200 Islamic scholars gathered in Grozny to avoid hurling labels of takfir at those they disagree with. Instead, they should have condemned their actions.

News & Analysis

Erdogan shoots himself in the foot, again

Tahir Mahmoud

President Erdogan’s policies are leading toward facilitating the establishment of the Kurdish State in Northern Iraq while he thinks he is undermining the Kurds in Syria and Turkey.

News & Analysis

Why publicity hog Modi missed the UN session

Shahid Alam

Narendra Modi loves publicity but aware that he may face tough questions about Kashmir that he would not be able answer, he decided to stay at home.

Letters To The Editor

Bani Saud’s real bosom pals

Mukhtar Hashmi

Their recent public dealings have exposed the Bani Saud as bosom pals of Bani Isra’il, write Mukhtar Hashmi.

Letters To The Editor


Abdullah Bayrakdar

Erdogan should not indulge in witch-hunt against political opponents under the cover of dealing with fifth columnists in the country.

Letters To The Editor

Burkini: who’s behind French hysteria?

Farhan Bukhari

It has now emerged that the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy is behind the burkini hysteria.

Letters To The Editor

Muslims hurt

Abdul Rashid Khan

The much-maligned Muslims are the greatest victims of hate crimes as the growing attacks on Islamic centres and mosques show.

Letters To The Editor

Must help end Kashmiris’ suffering

Shahid Butt

The people of Kashmir need help to expose the crimes India is perpetrating against them.


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