A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Shahid Alam


Special Reports

The Threat of Ethno-religious Fascism in India

Shahid Alam

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

India has been taken over by ethno-religious fascists where there is no room for religious minorities, especially Muslims. Leading figures of the ruling BJP have made this amply clear. The world can only ignore it at its own peril.

News & Analysis

What drives Modi’s anti-Pakistan policy?

Shahid Alam

Rabi' al-Awwal 01, 14382016-12-01

Narendra Modi’s anti-Pakistan policy is driven both by internal compunctions and external factors. The bottom line is to appeal to Hindu fascists from whose ranks Modi has emerged.

News & Analysis

Why publicity hog Modi missed the UN session

Shahid Alam

Dhu al-Hijjah 29, 14372016-10-01

Narendra Modi loves publicity but aware that he may face tough questions about Kashmir that he would not be able answer, he decided to stay at home.

News & Analysis

Indians clamoring for backward class status!

Shahid Alam

Safar 19, 14372015-12-01

In deeply class-conscious society like India where everyone tries to project himself as being “superior” to others, a curious phenomenon is underway. Hundreds of mil-lions of Hindus are clamoring to be granted “backward class” status.

News & Analysis

India’s perennial toilet problem

Shahid Alam

Muharram 19, 14372015-11-01

Imagine if there were no toilets in the whole of North America, that is, the US and Canada. A total of 354 million people would be without toilets and forced to defecate in the open. It would be a pretty horrific, not to mention stinking experience.

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