Turkish President Recept Tayip Erdogan has caved in to US-Zionist pressure and accepted an insulting offer of $20 million as compensation for the victims of Zionist crimes on the Mavi Marmara on May 31, 2010. He also restored diplomatic and trade links with the Zionist entity without getting the siege of Gaza that he had made so much noise about.
The elite and media outlets never tire of proclaiming the virtues of freedom and democracy in the West. They denigrate others that do not conform to their way of life. How much freedom and democracy are there in the West and what is the nature of these notions? We look deeper.
Has Hamas leadership realized the errors of its policy in aligning itself with oppressive Arabian regimes and abandoning the Islamic Republic, the one true friend of the Palestinian people? Recent statements by Hamas officials gives cause for guarded optimism.
The Bani Saud are guilty of egregious crimes in Yemen, particularly against children. When the UN confirmed this in a report, the Najdi Bedouins kicked up a storm threatening to cut off funding to various UN agencies including those supporting the Palestinians. The UN caved in to Saudi blackmail.
Muslims know that Masjid al-Aqsa is under illegal Zionist occupation but most Muslims have failed to understand that Masjid al-Haram in Makkah is as much under occupation, albeit under that of people with Muslim names. Unless both are liberated from the clutches of these tyrants, Muslims will achieve little progress in the world.
All regimes in the Muslim East (aka the Middle East) are dictatorships regardless of the label they carry. The Bahraini regime is made up of the minority al-Khalifa family that is brutally suppressing the majority Shia population. The regime’s decision to strip a respected alim, Shaikh Issa Qassem of his citizenship is likely to short-circuit the miserable existence of this pathetic regime.
Muhammad Ali was not only a world-class boxer, he was also a human rights activist and stood against the immoral Vietnam War and refused to fight there for which the US establishment punished him. In death, however, they eulogized him because he had become an international icon.
What is Russia upto in Syria? The general impression is that it backs the Bashar al Asad’s government. This does not reflect an accurate picture. Russia has its own objectives in which Syria and Asad are mere pawns.
Ten years after Zionist Israel’s war of aggression on Hizbullah in Lebanon, we examine the political, military and strategic dimensions of the Zionists’ crime and blunder. Will the Zionists dare carry out a frontal assault against Hizbullah again?
Has the central government in Baghdad realized that merely liberating physical space from the clutches of the takfiris is not enough? It has to win the hearts and minds of people that found the demonic notions of the takfiris appealing. A good starting point would be to treat citizens equally above tribal or sectarian considerations.
The referendum result in Britain on whether to stay or leave the European Union (EU) was not supposed to go the way it did. The expectation was that people would opt to stay. The result stunned everyone including those cynically leading the Leave campaign. Britain and the EU are now stuck with an oucome that is fraught with great risks.
Rightwing parties have made a strong showing in elections in a number of countries recently including Austria. Our correspondent examines the reasons and what this may imply for the future of Muslims.
As museums go, Mleeta, the museum of resistance, is unique. It depicts with stunning clarity the humiliating defeat the Zionist aggressors suffered with their tanks, artillery and other war materiel embedded in concrete to reflect their impotence.
Masjid al Aqsa, the first qibla of Muslims, remains under Zionist occupation. Zionist squatters are becoming more aggressive and belligerently encroaching on the noble Sanctuary. It is incumbent on Muslims to highlight this and take urgent steps to redress this. A good starting point is the Quds Day rallies organized worldwide on the last Friday of Ramadan.
Colonialism has had a profoundly negative impact on Muslim societies. Physical occupation was but a minor manifestation of this phenomenon. More serious was the mental subjugation that continues long after direct colonialism has ended. We point out some steps on the way to breaking out of this mental slavery.
Science is not as objective as it is made out to be nor is it as definitive as its proponents would like to project. The book of the Philosophy of Science explains what is at work. House columnist Maksud Djavadov reviews the Philosophy of Science — A Very Short Introduction by Dr. Samir Okasha, a must read for religious and non-religious people in the contemporary world who want to gain a basic non-dogmatic understanding of science.
A native son of Arabia, Mohammad H. Siddiq says there are ‘No freedoms in Arabia!’
One reader makes a tongue-in-cheek suggestion that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, currently in Britain, wants to help the Brits overcome their problems after the Brexit vote by becoming their prime minister!
Reader Badr el-Masry laments the lack of support for Palestinians suffering Zionist brutalities.
Muslims must wrest control of the Haramayn from the clutches of Bani Saud. They are unfit to administer the affairs of Hajj says this reader.
Saudis are guilty of war crimes in Yemen, says this letter writer from Detroit.