They have no diplomatic relations but that has not proved a hindrance to the Najdi Bedouins and the Zionists publicly embracing each other against Islamic self-determination.
The intensity of the Najdi Bedouins' hatred of Islam and Muslims and their love for the Zionist war criminals was evident in Washington on June 4. General (retired) Anwar Eshki of "Saudi" Arabia met and warmly embraced Dore Gold, designated Director General at the Israeli foreign ministry. Both men spoke of their strong desire to have close relations with each other against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Muslims please note!
While drum beating about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program, Western regimes hypocritically refuse to make the Muslim East a nuclear-free zone because the Zionist regime possesses hundreds of weapons.
Unable to match Islamic Iran’s sincere efforts at helping struggling Muslims worldwide, the Arabian regimes use crude propaganda accusing the only Islamic state of pursuing its “national interests.”
Zionist crimes in Gaza were so egregious that even the UN has been forced to confirm them. Summary of an inquiry commission's findings were released on April 27 confirming that the Zionists attacked seven UN-run schools killing 44 Palestinian civilians and injuring 227 others.
The Hindu fascist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Narendra Modi has made no secret of its plan to incorporate the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir into India, in clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions. Now using the pretext of resettling Hindu Pandits who were allegedly forced to flee Kashmir, it has been proposed that special secure colonies were built for Hindus to resettle them in Kashmir.
Masjid al Aqsa, the first Qibla of Muslims, is under threat of Zionist occupation. Will Muslims respond to this latest threat in any meaningful way or allow the Zionists to usurp it?
The Zionists have escalated their attacks on Palestinians resisting the illegal occupiers' attempts to take over Masjid al-Aqsa with a view to its destruction to build their Temple there.
Even while encroaching on the Haram al-Sharif (the holy precinct) in al-Quds (Jerusalem), the Zionist occupiers have gone on a killing spree of unarmed Palestinians. At least two Palestinians were killed today following attack on an American-born extremist rabbi, Yehuda Glick who is leading the campaign to demolish Masjid al Aqsa and build in its place the so-called Third Jewish Temple.
Every act of the zionist regime is illegal, starting with its occupation of the Palestinians' land. It compounds its crimes by arresting, imprisoning in Israeli jails and then abusing and torturing Palestinians including children. There are at least 250 Palestinian children in Israeli prisons suffering abuse and torture.
Zionist Israel may have killed thousands of civilians in Gaza but it has failed to achieve any of its military objectives.
The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham is not interested in fighting Zionism; it wants to destroy Hamas. Not surprisingly, it did not utter a word against recent Zionist crimes in Gaza.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad, showing resilience and determination, have forced the zionists to accept their terms for a truce. Israel failed to achieve its objectives in its onslaught on Gaza.
Israel’s murderous assault on Gaza and the corporate media’s shameless support of it have once again exposed the media’s true nature.
The Islamic resistance has dealt a stunning blow to Zionist Israel in Gaza. Despite lacking weapons and bottled up in the tiny enclave, the Islamic resistance forced the zionists to accept their terms for a truce. Most Palestinian demands have been accepted reflecting the zionists' defeat in the brutal war in which they murdered nearly 2200 innocent Palestinian civilians.
The Zionist regime would not be able to carry out its crimes against the hapless people of Gaza with such impunity were it not for direct support of western regimes. They are all complicit in Zionist war crimes.
It is revealing that Muslim regimes in the Middle East that eagerly give billions to takfiri terrorists to kill fellow Muslims are completely silent about zionist killings of Palestinians.
Israel cannot win the war on Gaza because Hamas and Islamic Jihad refuse to surrender. The zionists are digging their own grave.
America’s neo-cons, dominated by zionists and other warmongers, see in Hillary Clinton a fellow traveler for their aggressive policies. They have flocked to her campaign to advance their belligerent objectives.
A leading figure in the Syrian National Coalition haw come out openly to say the SNC is willing to sell the Golan Heights in return for Zionist support to overthrow the Asad regime in Syria.