Despite its high-sounding principles, the United Nations has demonstrably failed to prevent wars, protect the weak and provide justice. The reason is that three of the five permanent members of Security Council have hijacked its agenda. It is time to think of establishing an alternative organization.
The United Nations was established in 1945, even before the Second World War formally ended, with the stated aim of preventing future conflicts, to resolve disputes through peaceful means and prohibited the threat or use of force against other states. The UN has demonstrably failed in all these areas.
When the resolution to declare March 15 as the UN day to condemn Islamophobia was presented in the General Assembly, France, the EU and India opposed it. They advanced the argument that one religion should not be singled out for protection. The evil trio are in the forefront of fomenting Islamophobia.
The United Nations was created to prevent the eruption of future wars but it has been a roaring failure. Far from solving any problems, it has created many. Whose interests does it serve?
India has for decades been involved in terrorist activities inside Pakistan but the India-doting West and an equally pliant Western media have turned a blind eye. Pakistan has compiled irrefutable evidence of India’s nefarious designs. Will the world will take notice?
Donald Trump always travels light. And we are not talking about baggage as in suitcases or brief case. Completely bereft of manners and with a low IQ, Trump’s rant at the UN General Assembly yesterday (September 25) exposed these traits completely.
The UN High Commission for Human Rights issued a scathing report about Indian atrocities in Kashmir but the Hindu rulers are unperturbed.