The on again, off again talks on Syria seem to be going nowhere. The Saudis and Americans want to include some terrorist groups whose presence is rejected by Syria, Russia and Iran. They argue, quite rightly, how can terrorists be allowed at the table to talk about peace. For now, the UN Special envoy for Syria says he hopes the talks would begin on Friday January 29. It is yet to be seen whether they will occur.
Turkey's shooting down of a Russian plane over Syria has dangerously escalated tensions in an already volatile region. Fearing its consequences, Turkey has also requested a meeting of Nato ambassadors. This exposes Nato and its allies' support for the terrorists in Syria. No amount of rhetoric can camouflage this fact...
The illegitimate rulers of Saudi Arabia insist President Bashar al Asad has no role to play in Syria' future...
If Iraqi military claims are true, the takfiri terrorist outfit, Daesh (aka as ISIS/ISIL) may have been dealt a severe blow. The Iraqis said they hit the convoy of takfiri leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as he was heading for a meeting with senior commanders in Anbar Province. The meeting venue was also hit and a number of commanders killed. Bombed by Russia in Syria and hit by the Iraqis, the takfiris are on the run...
It appears that neither Russia or China is prepared to allow NATO countries led by the US to create another Libya-type scenario in Syria. The stakes are too high for both. Given US duplicity in fighting against the takfiri terrorists (actually non-fighting), Russia and China have decided to go after the terrorists for their own reasons. Iran and Hizbullah are also helping the Syrian government to confront the terrorist threat...
Why are the Americans complaining as Russia bombs the takfiri terrorists in Syria? Washington says its favorite terrorists are being bombed. The terrorists have already started fleeing; so much for their bravery. Russia has vowed to intensify attacks and cleanse the throat slitters and organ eaters from the Levant...
The Zionists are great at bullying weaker opponents and then come out thumping their chests. When faced with an equal opponent, they flee. This is what happened over the Mediterranean Sea when six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian jets intercepted for US-supplied Israel F-15s trying to violate Syrian airspace. Instead of putting up a good fight, the Zionists fled. Now that is an interesting development...
With the Muslim world in turmoil, it is easy to forget the wars on Syria and Yemen. The Bani Saud footprint is writ large in both locales...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has served notice that he will not accept the Western engineered war on Syria to overthrow President Bashar al Asad. He has started bombing Western-backed terrorists creating panic in Western capitals...
Try as they may, the predatory Western powers and their regional puppets--Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and Israel--cannot hide the fact that the uprising in Syria is a foreign-backed and supported conspiracy. Julian Assanage of WikiLeaks fame has confirmed yet again in his latest book, the WikiLeaks Files, that as early as 2006, the US had planned to overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad...
There was no let up in the takfiris' brutal campaign in Syria last year. At least 76,000 people were killed that included 17,790 civilians, among them 3,501 children. Given these horrendous casualties, 2015 is likely to be just as deadly if not worse. Syria has been destroyed all as part of the US-Saudi-Zionist plan to weaken the Resistance Front against Zionist aggression. The takfiris are part of this diabolical plot.
The US, its European allies and puppet Arabian regimes have not given up on overthrowing Bashar al Asad’s government in Syria. The ‘fight’ against takfiris is merely a pretext.
Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan refuses to join the US-led air strikes against the takfiri terrorists. At the same time, he has called for a no-fly zone over Syria. This strengthens speculation that the US policy is a backdoor attempt to sneak into Syria to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Asad. Turkey is part of this diabolical plot whose other members include Zionist Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Is there any such thing as a 'moderate rebel'? If the US plans to fight the takfiris, why is it training these so-called moderate rebels to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Asad? One does not have to admire Asad but he is legitimately elected by the Syrian people. What right does the US, Saudi Arabia or Israel have to decide who should be in power in Damascus?
The Syrian people have shown that they reject the takfiri terrorists and all foreign interference in their country.
Bashar al-Asad seems set to win the June 3 election, not by rigging but winning people’s confidence frustrating the Western-Arabian inspired conspiracy against his government.
Leading figures in Syria such as the Mufti of Syria who lost his own son to a terrorist attack, want to extinguish the fires of hatred. The overwhelming majority of Syrians agree, isolating the foreign-backed mercenaries inside and outside Syria.
The Syrian people have shown a remarkable resilience in the face of the barbaric onslaught of terrorists armed, financed and instigated from abroad. The people refuse to surrender to mass murderers and cannibals.
Russia and China have again frustrated Western imperialist plans to intervene directly in Syria. By vetoing the Security Council resolution that would have paved the way for referring Syrian officials to the International Criminal Court, the West thought it could disrupt the government of President Bashar al-Asad through the backdoor now that their mercenaries are on the verge of defeat.
The veteran US journalist, Seymour Hersh has laid to rest one lie—that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons in al-Ghouta last August—but has left unsaid the role of Saudi Arabia in this dastardly crime.