Recep Tayip Erdogan has exposed himself as a rank opportunist and hypocrite. His rhetoric is for the Palestinians while his oil and steel are sent to Israel. His role in Syria has exposed his truly criminal nature.
President Erdogan continues to display contradictory behavioural traits. His rhetoric in staunchly pro-Palestinian but Turkey’s trade and diplomatic ties with zionist Israel remain strong. Turkish-Israeli trade has grown amid the Israeli onslaught on Gaza.
Has Recept Tayip Erdogan really changed his policy about Syria, asks letter writer,Mehmet Alparsalan.
Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan met Russian President Vladimir Putin in an attempt to patch serious difference arising out of the shooting down of a Russian plane over Syria last November. While the meeting was arranged before the failed coup in Turkey, it added significance to the meeting because Putin was among the first world leaders to call Erdogan to condemn the coup and offer support.
1Turkish President Recept Tayip Erdogan has not only disappointed Muslims abroad, he is now creating divisions inside Turkey in a fit of jingoism. It will prove disastrous for the country...
Almost all people claim to follow some principles but when it comes to their personal interests, principles are often quickly abandoned.
Davutoglu to Erdogan: Are you sure I can be prime minister? Will I get to move into your office?
The Zionist killing machine has resumed its genocide of defenceless Palestinians in Gaza. Some Israeli politicians have called for their annihilation including the mothers of Palestinian children. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan has called this Zionist policy the same as that of Hitlers.
Recep Tayip Erdogan, until now Turkey's Prime Minister, has just been elected president in the first-ever direct adult franchise. Comparisons with Vladimir Putin of Russia have been made. Are these accurate or fair? Erdogan certainly wants to retain power but time will tell what his real motives are.
Will the latest mining disaster in Turkey affect Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's political future adversely? Some observers feel he is losing touch with popular sentiment by the manner in which he has issued statements in the wake of this latest disaster.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said there will be no deal with the zionist regime on compensation for victims of the Mavi Marmara attack (May 31, 2010; depicted on banner on the Mavi Marmara in photo) unless the zionists give written guarantees that the siege of Gaza would be lifted. If Erdogan can stand his ground, this will be a great morale booster for the people of Gaza as well as millions of their supporters.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s heavy-handed response to Taksim Square protesters has exposed his intolerant streak. Turkey’s claim to being a “role model” for other Muslims has become untenable.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had hoped during his Washington visit to convince US President Barack Obama to militarily get involved in Syria. The American president did not buy Erdogan’s allegations against Damascus forcing the new pasha to return empty-handed.
Turkey’s embrace of Zionist Israel has a lot more to do with regional politics that the cryptic apology offered by Benjamin Netanyahu, with ass-like stubbornness.
Barack Obama was able to ‘persuade’ the ass-like stubborn Benjamin Netanyahu to call his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and offer an ‘apology’ for the killing of nine Turkish peace activists. The move exposed Erdogan as much as it did Netanyahu.
In a silver screen extravaganza, Fetih 1453 attempts to revive the glory of the Ottoman Empire and with it the sagging fortunes of Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan who fancies himself as a modern incarnation of the Turkish sultan.
Zionist Israel was not the only loser in the eight-day war on Gaza. Almost all the Arabian regimes as well as Turkey also lost. The clear winners were Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Islamic Iran and Hizbullah.