“Islamic awakening is spreading and with strong faith in Allah, the Resistance movement is winning,’ said the Rahbar, Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Sunday November 25.
Donald Trump’s crude remarks against the Islamic Republic of Iran and North Korea have evoked strong reaction from both countries. The Rahbar, Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei while meeting members of the Assembly of Experts in Tehran today (September 21) condemned Trump’s comments at the UN as “ugly”, "foolish” and “sheer lies.”
In keeping with past tradition and as leader of the Ummah, Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei issued his message to the hujjaj assembled in Makkah for the performance of their pilgrimage.
Developing the Resistance Economy is a constant theme in the Rahbar’s messages to the people and officials in Iran. For this year, he designated employment and production as specific objectives.
The Rahbar has warned officials in the Islamic Republic that they should be vigilant against the enemy's 'intellectual, cultural and political infiltration.' He said this was more dangerous than economic infiltration. The Rahbar's warning came against the backdrop of the JCPOA that has led people including some officials in the Islamic Republic to assume that the US would be welcomed back in Iran...
Once again the Land of Revelation has gathered legions of committed servants for its annual banquet. In the birthplace of Islam and the Holy Qur’an, eager hearts from throughout the world are now engaged in such rites which indeed show a sign of the eternal lesson of Islam and the Holy Qur’an to mankind: symbolic steps for implementing and applying such a lesson.
Ayatullah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, called on Wednesday for a serious campaign against terrorism, and said that US officials’ definitions of terrorism are unacceptable.