Peace and anti-war activists from around the world gathered in Beirut to highlight Zionist crimes and consider ways and means to help the Palestinians end the brutal Zionist occupation.
About 30 envoys from different countries plus UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon were in Cairo to mobilize resources for Gaza's reconstruction. Although $5.4 billion were pledged, will this materialize and if so, what conditions would be imposed on the Palestinians?
The cold blooded murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians in Gaza during July-August assault was not enough to satiate Israel's blood lust. Two Palestinians accused of kidnapping and killing three Israeli illegal squatters on June 22 were brutally murdered in their hiding place. Even this, however, would not deter the zionists from murdering Palestinians because it has become a way of life for them.
Far from supporting the Palestinians, the Saudi regime and its court ulama have opened their big guns against the people of Gaza. They have gone so far as to denounce any solidarity marches in favour of Palestinians. The Saudis are working hand-in-glove with the zionists to destroy Hamas.
Zionist killing of Palestinians is so routine that it hardly evokes any reaction anywhere, least of all in the racist Western media and the equally racist Western governments. When the bodies of three Israeli squatters were discovered in the West Bank, all hell broke loose but before that, at least 10 Palestinians among them a 7-year-old and 15-year-old Palestinian youth were already murdered by the zionist occupiers.
Thousands of Palestinians in Israeli jails have gone on hunger strike in solidarity with the 120 other prisoners held in “administrative detention” who are on hunger strike since April 24. Palestinians held in administrative detention are not charged with any crime and have never been convicted in a court of law but continue to be illegally held by the zionist regime.
Zionist apologists do not want any discussion of the crimes against innocent Palestinians. They want to deny this even in an academic environment where freedom of opinion and thought are touted as cherished values. This is what is happening at Chicago's Columbia College where a zionist student's objection to a course on Palestinian suffering has been suspended because it exposes zionist crimes.
The Palestinian issue has been virtually stalemated since before Israel’s war on Gaza in 2008–2009, with Hamas, the most popular and legitimate Palestinian leadership bottled up in the besieged and densely populated Gaza, and the West Bank under the increasingly repressive rule of Mahmood Abbas’s Palestinian Authority (PA).
Egypt is in even greater trouble. Hosni Mubarak, 82, is also suffering from cancer. The men around Mubarak have honed their murderous skills by terrorizing opposition groups like the Ikhwan al-Muslimoon and others that dared stand against Mubarak or his party henchmen in manipulated elections
The assassination of Shaikh Ahmed Yassin as he returned to his home after fajr prayers on March 22, 2004 (Safar 1, 1425) was a shock but not a surprise. Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon had declared him to be at the top of the list for assassination, and he had survived an attempt on his life in September last year, when Israeli fighter aircraft fired several missiles at the building in which he was staying...
It is perhaps not surprising that of all the incidents of violence in Palestine over the last month, the one that attracted the most headlines worldwide was the roadside bomb that killed three US ‘security guards’ (CIA agents, according to some reports) on October 15.
The two summit meetings at Sharm al-Shaikh on June 3, attended by US president George W. Bush, Palestinian prime minister Mahmoud Abbas, and the leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Bahrain, and at the royal palace at Aqaba, Jordan...
A Palestinian citizen from Ghazzah revealed on December 9 that Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Service, had attempted to enlist him to establish a terrorist cell in Palestine under the name of al-Qa’ida
Hamas leader Khaled Misha’al said on November 9 that Palestine’s main Islamic movement would not give up military operations against the Israeli occupiers of Palestine.
The ink on the agreement signed by Israeli defence minister Benny Ben-Eliezer with the Palestinian Authority (PA) was not even dry when the agreement was sabotaged. Ben-Eliezer said that it would be put on hold for several weeks because there was still a “potential” for Palestinian violence in the West Bank. ..
Dr Mazen al-Najjar’s history encapsulates the plight of the Palestinians: they are accused of everything, but nobody is prepared to listen to their story. Dr Najjar, 43 years old and a former instructor at the University of Southern Florida, was finally released on August 24.
The second intifada has developed a life of its own, as the blows delivered by Palestinian mujahideen on two consecutive days (March 20 and 21) showed, even as frantic efforts were under way to save the zionist occupiers by an American-brokered ceasefire.
In a chilling reminder of sights common during the Serbs' war against the Muslims of Bosnia-Hercegovina a decade ago, Israeli troops rounded up all males aged from 15-45 in the Deheishe refugee camp near Bethlehem on March 11, forcing them to strip to the waist before handcuffing and blindfolding them, standing them for hours in the sun, and then force-marching them into an empty factory for interrogation.
The middle of last month saw yet another upsurge in the intensity of the violence in Palestine. From February 14 to February 20 at least 60 people were killed, two-thirds of them Palestinians. At the same time, the West found yet another approach to trying to disarm the Palestinians politically, with a new peace proposal from Saudi crown prince Abdullah.
Israel went on the offensive, both militarily and in propaganda terms, on January 9 after a Hamas operation inside 1948 Palestine (Israel) in which 4 Israeli soldiers were killed and two Hamas activists martyred. Israeli soldiers responded by demolishing 73 homes in nearby Ghazzah, according to the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), making 123 families — adding up to more than 800 people — homeless.