Nuclear weapons are rightly called weapons of mass destruction. While the nuclear non-proliferation treaty calls for all members to reduce their stockpiles with the intention to ultimately abolish them, the major nuclear powers have demonstrably failed to do so.
In recent days, threats to use nuclear weapons have escalated alarmingly bringing the doomsday scenario much closer. These threats are not issued by tin-pot dictators like Kim Jong un of North Korea but by those that call themselves leaders of superpowers: Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden!
Recent media reports suggest that the parties to the JCPOA are moving toward its revival. The US had unilaterally walked out of the deal, repudiating its own signature, and even imposed additional sanctions on Iran. We look at the various options.
Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction. The US is the only country in the world to have used them but twice against Japan in the Second World War. It has now appointed itself the world’s policeman to determine who can and cannot possess such weapons.
There is much talk about how to save the Iran nuclear deal. There is a simple solution: the US must lift all sanctions illegally imposed on Iran when Donald Trump walked away from the deal in 2018. Joe Biden says Iran must take the first step. That is a non-starter; he must snap into reality.
As the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons, America continues to indulge in its atrocious conduct when it comes to nuclear weapons.
The US deep state and its current front man are obsessed about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons .
By pulling out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal, Donald Trump has shown the US has no shame or honor. Will the Europeans maintain their end of the deal?
Islamic Iran has no nuclear weapons, North Korea does. The US is talking up Iran’s non-existent threat while willing to talk to the North Koreans. Is it time for Iran also to acquire nuclear weapons?
While he had repeatedly said that he would pull the US out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal, Donald Trump’s announcement on May 8 still came as a shock.
Not just Donald Trump but other Western regimes are also backtracking on the nuclear deal with Iran. This confirms yet again that Western regimes cannot be trusted to uphold agreements that they sign.
Trump’s announcement to build more lethal nuclear weapons means only one thing: annihilation of the human race.
As the Iran nuclear deal reaches implementation stage, the US Congress has introduced new disruptive measures, such as the Visa Waiver Program to frustrate completion of the deal. Can the US be trusted?
When the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between the Islamic Re-public and the P5+1 group of countries (the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany) was agreed in Vienna on July 14, Western media outlets immediately re-ported that there were “celebrations” in Tehran. The BBC as usual led the pack. Conversely, opponents of the deal were dubbed as “hardliners” whose personal in-terests would be affected if it was approved and implemented.
The West makes much noise about preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons but they themselves are not prepared to live up to their obligations as the latest SIPRI report shows.
1Despite the framework agreement that outlines the guidelines, the West led by the US is introducing new demands into the negotiations such as inspection of Iran’s military sites and interview of nuclear scientists. These could derail the talks.
While drum beating about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program, Western regimes hypocritically refuse to make the Muslim East a nuclear-free zone because the Zionist regime possesses hundreds of weapons.
Islamic Republic's nuclear negotiators have made clear that there will be no discussion about visits to military sites or interviews with Iranian nuclear scientists. Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi was quoted by IRNA that this message has been communicated to the other side.