Whenever a crisis erupts in any part of the Muslim world, there are those who would sow discord and confusion. The current crisis over Israel’s barbarous attack on Palestine is no exception. Muslims must be vigilant and not fall for such divisive propaganda.
If Muslims were to remove their sectarian blinkers, they will discover that a Sunni is a Shi’i and a Shi’i is a Sunni.
Most Muslims yearn for unity even if they are not fully aware of how to achieve it.
Amr Musa, the new secretary general of the Arab League, has announced reforms that he claims will transform the moribund 55-year-old organisation into an effective agency that is less bureaucratic and more responsive to the needs of the ‘Arab nation’.
Muslims need to rise above their sectarian labels and concentrate instead on being Muslims to achieve unity, says this letter writer.
Letter writer Nisar Dean has hit the nail on the head by saying Muslims need to change themselves first before there will be change in Muslim societies.
Realizing the terrible plight of the Kashmiri people, Israr Ahmed Butt asks Muslims and other justice-loving people to lend their support to them.
Eid al Adha commemorates the sacrifice of Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail (as). As Muslims celebrate this great event, they must keep in mind that without sacrifice, nothing can be achieved. In fact, the trials and tribulations demanding sacrifices are the pre-requisites to get closer to Allah subhanahu wa taala.
1Zionists encroachments and attacks on Masjid al-Aqsa and indeed the entire Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem have become more frequent. Muslims cannot remain indifferent to this threat to the Muslims’ first qibla and third holiest site.
The Saudis cannot be left to manage the affairs of Hajj. They are unfit physically and mentally to discharge this great responsibility. It should be taken over by a group of learned scholars backed by properly trained professionals.
Pig is a filthy animal. Muslims and observant Jews do not consume its meat. In the West, especially in Europe, pig meat is much cherished. It is their choice but a school in France forced Muslim and Jewish students to wear colored discs so that canteen staff would not serve them pork meat at lunchtime. It outraged parents and revived memories of the Nazis' practice of forcing Jews to wear the yellow star during WWII.
very year as leader of the Ummah, the Rahbar Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei delivers a message to the hujjaj (pilgrims) gathered in Arafat. This year’s message has special significance because of developments in the Muslim world whether in Makkah, Al-Quds, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Burma or elsewhere.
The Muslim Ummah is faced with many problems but often Muslims themselves are to blame. Consider the latest phenomenon of the thug al-Baghdadi and his declaration of the Khilafah. The noble concept of the Khialfah is being ridiculed by mass murderers and rapists using Islamic terms. The ill-conceived project is bound to collapse soon and with it will die the misplaced hopes of thousands of Muslim youth.
The Rahbar, Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei addressed several thousand assembled guests in Tehran on the occasion of the birthday of the noble Messenger of Allah (saws). While warning the assembled gathering and Muslims beyond against the divisive tactics of the enemies of Islam, he also gave the glad tidings that Muslims were on the rise and making good progress.
The Saudis appear determined to create massive conflict in the Ummah. Having failed to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Asad in Syria, they are now going after Lebanon. Their aim is to instigate sectarian conflict in the strategic town of Sidon that is a gateway to the south where Hizbullah has faced the zionists for several decades. Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan heads the campaign.
As part of the commemoration of Yaum al-Quds last month, Crescent International (South Africa) published a booklet called The Struggle for al-Quds. Here we reprint the foreword of that book, written by ZAFAR BANGASH, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT) in Toronto, Canada...
America’s humiliation in Iraq has led some observers to describe it as another Vietnam. This is not quite accurate; the US’s Iraqi experience is much closer to the Russians’ in Afghanistan, with very similar outcomes, both positive and negative. Should the US military stay in Iraq extend for a decade or more, as did the Red Army’s in Afghanistan, there will perhaps be noUnited States left to return to, at least as far as its superpower pretensions are concerned.
Few empires have ever justified their enslavement and exploitation of subject peoples in such terms; the US is no exception. The Romans justified their imperialism by offering law and order...