The death in cage in a Cairo courtroom of Egypt’s only elected President Mohamed Mursi was pre-planned because the regime deliberately denied him medication and proper care. In death, Mursi has become a martyr.
That Dr Mohammad Mursi, the first ever democratically elected president of Egypt, was murdered is not in doubt. He may have collapsed in a Cairo court and died but there is a history to his six years of incarceration suffering extreme mistreatment at the hands of regime thugs.
Nothing could more graphically capture the barbarism being practiced by Egypt’s Pharaoh, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi than the sudden death of Mohamed Mursi, the first-ever democratically elected President of Egypt.
There is little in common between the Egyptian and Saudi regimes even if both are puppets of the West and the Saudis have tried to buttress the crumbling Egyptian economy. Their differences are coming to the fore amid rising tensions between the two oppressive regimes.
It came as a shock to the Saudis that they were not only not invited to the Islamic conference in Grozny but that the final communiqué even excluded them from being Sunnis.
1Using the garb of Sufism, the self-styled religious preacher, Fethullah Gulen has turned out to be a US-Zionist puppet who is prepared to advance their agenda. This is how the enemies of Islam operate.
2The oldest contemporary Islamic movement—the Ikhwan al-Muslimoon—in Egypt is expected to display much better understanding and greater maturity but unfortunately their conduct has led to the disaster they faced.
The Egyptian military regime and its kangaroo courts have sentenced scores of people to death, including the first-ever elected president in Egypt’s history, Mohamed Mursi. It has evoked strong global condemnation.
The secularists in Egypt are gradually waking up to the reality of the military's brutal nature. It brooks no opposition. The secularists thought that by joining the campaign against the elected government of President Mohamed Mursi, they would have a free hand to continue their activities. They have had a rude shock: many of them have been jailed and their best known figure, Wael Ghoneim has fled into exile.
In a stinging 188-page report, Human Rights Watch has accused the Sisi-led military regime of premeditated murder and genocide against innocent civilians in Egypt. HRW has called for putting these people on trial.
The judges in Egypt act as executioners for the military while the thugs in uniform brandishing guns shoot and kill without mercy. Thousands of innocent people have been murdered in cold blood since the illegal military coup of July 3 against the first-ever elected President Mohamed Mursi. Family members of the just-sentenced victims cry on hearing about death sentences against their loved ones.
The trial of deposed President Mohamed Mursi has been postponed until Monday February 24 by the Cairo Criminal Court. At his court appearance today, President Mursi urged his supporters to continue their “peaceful revolution.”
The military-backed regime in Egypt is becoming extremely brutal. Ousted President Mohamed Mursi is not permitted even to consult his lawyers before his scheduled court appearance on January 8. How is he expected to defend himself against bizarre charges that are politically motivated?
The thugs that have ruled Egypt for decades are re-writing a new constitution to provide a veneer of legitimacy for their illegal rule. The people meanwhile are being deprived of basic rights.
In a stunning disclosure, lawyers read a statement from ousted President Mohamed Mursi who said he was kidnapped by the military on July 2, a day before it carried out the coup. He said he plans to sue the coup perpetrators for treason. Yesterday, an administrative court in Cairo announced that the state of emergency imposed since August 14 has been lifted.
The July 3 coup in Egypt has set the people of Egypt back by many decades. The brutal crackdown on supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and mass killings prove the military’s evil intentions.
The Palestinians have often been let down by their own leadership. Even Hamas, the Islamic movement, finds itself in difficulties once again because of the ouster of President Mohamed Mursi from power in Egypt.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan faces an acute dilemma now that President Mursi has been overthrown in a military coup. Erdogan had set up an alliance together with Qatar to act as policemen in the region. The alliance is now in tatters.
Gripped by incessant protests at Taksim Square, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan finds himself in an even greater bind now that President Mursi has been overthrown in Egypt.
President Mursi has succumbed to US-Saudi-zionist pressure and joined the crusade in Syria. Since becoming president, he has badly mishandled Egypt’s affairs and with a bankrupt economy, he has embarked on a policy that will have serious repercussions for the country’s future.