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Keyword: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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News & Analysis

Premature Celebration? Saudi and UAE Leaders Too Optimistic About Trump

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 29, 14462024-12-01

Saudi and Emirati rulers are overjoyed with Trump’s return to power. They believe happy days are here again but their euphoria may be misplaced. Trump is nobody’s friend. Besides, he is a narcissist, greedy and completely unpredictable.


Muslims Outraged By Saudi Channel Calling Resistance Leaders “Terrorists”

Zafar Bangash

Rabi' al-Thani 29, 14462024-11-01

If the zionists and western media outlets vilify resistance leaders, it is expected because they are the enemies of Muslims. But what about the Saudi media outlets; which side are they on? Their vile propaganda against the leaders of resistance exposes their true nature.


MbS “scared” For His Life


Safar 27, 14462024-09-01

Most rulers live in fear of their people because they oppress them. Rulers venture out only under heavy security. The Saudi de facto ruler, Mohammad bin Salman says he fears for his life because of normalizing relations with the zionist entity. Simple solution: don’t normalize!

News & Analysis

Saudis Turn Hajj Into A Death Trap For Pilgrims

Khadijah Ali

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

Far from being the spiritual journey and fulfilment of a life-long desire to perform Hajj, for many pilgrims this year’s pilgrimage turned out to be a deadly experience. Thousands of pilgrims died because of Saudi incompetence and callousness.

News & Analysis

Contradictions And Challenges In Saudi-Israeli Normalization

Omar Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

The Americans, especially Joe Biden is desperate to clinch a deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. So is Netanyahu but Saudi crown prince is playing coy. What is MbS up to with his on again off again normalization plan?


Saudi-Israel Normalization Unlikely To Materialize

Zafar Bangash

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

Amid the US-Israel generated hype about normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia, the plan does not seem to be heading for fruition any time soon. Whether the Saudis will be able hold out on their demands, however, is a caveat. Only time will tell whether it succeeds.

Main Stories

MbS And Erdogan Share A Common Trait: Opportunism

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Muharram 14, 14452023-08-01

While all rulers have to look after the interests of their own country that may necessitate periodic political somersaults, there are two rulers who are brazenly opportunistic: Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler MbS, and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

News & Analysis

Rebuilding Al-Baqee Shrine: A Possible Outcome Of Saudi-Iran Rapprochement?

Omar Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 14442023-06-01

Re-establishment of diplomatic ties between Tehran and Riyadh create a realistic opportunity to rebuild Al-Baqee, offering a chance to restore and revitalize the historically significant Islamic cemetery, while also reducing sectarian tensions fuelled by geopolitical rivalry.

News & Analysis

Reasons Behind Major Shift In Saudi Position On Yemen

Brecht Jonkers

Shawwal 11, 14442023-05-01

For eight years, the Saudis continued with a vicious war against the Yemeni people but made little headway. Recent developments show the Saudis have had a change of mind. What has forced them to change course and sue for peace?

Main Stories

China’s Role In Restoring Iran-Saudi Ties Heralds Tectonic Shift In Global Politics

Waseem Shehzad

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

China surprised the world when it brokered an agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The negotiations, held in extreme secrecy, lasted five days. The Iranian-Saudi détente has also exposed the irrelevance of the US in global politics.

News & Analysis

MbS Uses Chinese Ties To Boost Own Position

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14442023-01-01

For three days last month, there was much pomp and ceremony in Riyadh, during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping. While a series of agreements were signed, there were two over-arching themes: eclipse of US influence and discovery by MbS of another ruler to provide him protection.

News & Analysis

Biden’s Love Dance With MbS

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Jumada' al-Ula' 07, 14442022-12-01

Does US President Joe Biden love or hate Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS)? The US has been sending mixed signals but MbS seems to be going his own way. We discuss what the future holds for relations between the two countries.

News & Analysis

Interesting Findings Of Youth Opinion In The Arab World

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Rabi' al-Thani 06, 14442022-11-01

Arabian regimes, most notably Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have embarked on what is referred to as “reforms”. These have centred around promoting vulgarity. The regimes thought their young populations will buy into it. Recent opinion polls show the youth reject such policies.

Main Stories

In Bani Saud Occupied Arabia, Speaking Out Against Evil is Haram!

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Safar 05, 14442022-09-01

Both the noble Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah emphasize speaking out and stopping evil deeds because they cause the destruction of society. The Bani Saud say, do not speak out against evil. Those that want to follow the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah are punished by the Bani Saud. Is there another definition of evil?


Saudis Impose New Restrictions on Hajj

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 02, 14432022-07-01

While only a million pilgrims will be allowed to perform Hajj this year—an improvement on the last two years—the Saudis have sourced out the system to a Hindu fascist outfit. It will be a “lottery” system, akin to gambling. This is forbidden in Islam. Saudi policies clearly show they are unfit to administer the affairs of Hajj.

News & Analysis

Can Yemen’s Fragile Ceasefire Hold?

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 30, 14432022-05-01

While a fragile ceasefire, brokered by the UN has gone into effect in Yemen, will it last is the big question on everyone’s mind.

News & Analysis

How Long can MbS Continue to Play Hardball with Biden?

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Sha'ban 29, 14432022-04-01

Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) refused to take a phone call from US President Joe Biden because he has called him a “pariah”. Biden wants the Saudis and Emiratis to increase oil production because of sanctions on Russian oil and gas. How long can MbS hold out against Biden?

News & Analysis

Is MbS’ Ascension to the Saudi Throne Assured?

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 14432022-02-01

While Saudi crown prince Muhammad bin Salman (MbS) has used brutal methods including killings, imprisonment and torture to eliminate all rivals (real and imagined), to grab power, his ascension to the Saudi throne is not guaranteed. There are other contenders that are likely to challenge him.

News & Analysis

How Moderate is MbS’ ‘Moderation’?

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 28, 14432022-01-01

Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) is anxious to present an image of being a ‘moderate’. His crimes, however, are so egregious that they continue to hang around him like a bad odor. His moderation is a fraud as thousands of people continue to languish in Saudi jails and executions continue at an alarming rate.


Saudi Regime’s Arbitrary Restrictions on Hajj and Umrah

Zafar Bangash

Rabi' al-Thani 26, 14432021-12-01

Every Saudi policy relating to Hajj or Umrah is not only against the tenets of Islam but also a disaster for the Muslim Ummah. The Saudis’ latest restrictions allowing pilgrims of only 18-60 years age to perform Umrah is completely idiotic.

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