June marks another anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s departure from this temporary abode to join heavenly company. In bringing about the Islamic revolution, he challenged the global order imposed by the victors of the Second World War. It has revolutionized people’s thinking worldwide.
This month, Iran celebrates 43 years of the Islamic Revolution. Despite a vicious campaign of assassinations, sabotage, an Iraqi-imposed war and illegal sanctions by the US, Islamic Iran has taken great strides in all fields including science, stem-cell research and space.
While Shia-Sunni unity is essential for Muslims’ survival, there are some people in Islamic Iran that seem to be pursuing a sectarian agenda creating divisions. Abu Dharr, a sincere Muslim revolutionary, opens his heart to the Rahbar, Imam Khamenei about this troubling situation.
Paying tribute to the sagacity and wisdom of the late Imam Khomeini
في نطاقها الأوسع[1]، تمتد الحركة الإسلامية لتشمل الأمة بأسرها. بينما تتمثَّل أضيق هذه النطاقات الحركية في شطر الأمةِ الأكثر سعًيا نحو الهدف النهائي[2] وقبل نحو عامٍ تقريبًا[3]، كان من الصعب تحديد مجموعة ريادية واحدة داخل الحركة الإسلامية، رغم أن عددًا من المجموعات المنظَّمة قد بسطت دعواها بأنها طليعة هذه الحركة، وهي حركات وأحزاب مثل جماعة الإخوان المسلمين في العالم العربي، وجماعت إسلامي[4] في باكستان، كذا ادعت بعض الدول القومية التي يقطُنها مسلمون أنها «إسلامية».
تحلّ هذا الشهر، أبريل 2016م؛ الذكرى العشرون لوفاة المفكِّر والمنظِّر المسلم، الهندي الأصل والبريطاني الجنسية؛ الدكتور كليم صديقي. وهي كذلك توافِق ذكرى نشر كتابه الأخير، والأشهر على الإطلاق؛ «مراحل الثورة الإسلامية Stages of Islamic Revolution»، والذي انتهيت من ترجمته قبل عدّة أعوام في إطار مشروع ترجمة ونشر اﻵثار الكاملة للدكتور صديقي، ولكن حال الظرف السياسي في مصر دون نشره، لكني قد عزمت، بحول الله؛ على نشره في الخارِج قبل نهاية العام الجاري، وذلك تحت عنوان: «نظرية الثورة الإسلامية».
April 18 marks the twentieth anniversary of Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s passing away. He was one of the leading intellectuals of the last century blending intellectualism with political activism that created a unique personality.
Amid all the doom and gloom, there is one country—Islamic Iran—that stands out as a beacon of hope for the oppressed Muslims, indeed all oppressed people. The Islamic State has entered its 38th year.
1While the sanctions have been officially lifted, imperialists and Zionists have not given up on mischief-making. Sabotage of the Islamic Republic will continue in other forms.
Where Imam Khomeini’s anniversary drew hundreds of people to the program, it also attracted an odd assortment of parasites and anti-Islamic mobsters that had escaped from Iran because of their links with the despicable regime of the Shah.
1The AnsarAllah movement in Yemen offers important lessons for Islamic movements elsewhere to combine political and military struggles to be successful.
How the Islamic revolution in Iran has survived for 36 years despite unrelenting aggression from imperialist and Zionist powers is inspirational. It is the commitment of the people of Iran to Islam and the taqwa of its muttaqi leadership.
Despite illegal sanctions, sabotage and other difficulties placed in the path of the Islamic Republic by imperialists and Zionists, the people's support for the Islamic Revolution has not waned. This was witnessed once again today as millions joined the 35 anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution at Azadi Square in Tehran.
Imam Khomeini (ra) whose death anniversary falls this month (June 3) was an outstanding leader whose courage and convictions brought about meaningful change in Iran after the Islamic revolution. Other leaders, primarily in Egypt and Tunisia have failed to adopt bold policies.
US enmity towards Iran has nothing to do with Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. It is merely a pretext used by Washington for Iran’s refusal to fall in line with US demands.
This month 23 years ago, the oppressed Muslims as well as the toiling masses worldwide lost one of their own: Imam Khomeini.
This month marks the 33rd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The US- and Zionist-backed puppet Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran) was driven from power by a tidal wave of mass uprising led by the charismatic and muttaqi leader, Imam Khomeini (may Allah (swt) comfort him) in February 1979.