Why is that ISIS and other terrorist outfits emerge in regions rich in mineral resources and the imperialist powers and their corporation not far behind with offers of “help”?
ISIS and other “Takfiri” terrorist groups—with the aid of the United States, who helped found the so-called “Islamic State” as a proxy army against Syria, Iran and ultimately Russia—are destroying my religion, the religion of Islam; that’s one of the reasons they were created.
After more than seven years of foreign-instigated blood-letting, the Syrian army drove the takfiri terrorists out of Dar‘a. It was in this non-descript town that the ‘uprising’ was instigated because it was close to the Jordanian border.
Zionist Israel is one of the principal backers of ISIS but its attempt to use Hamas to advance its own agenda has failed miserably.
Even as the US ferries ISIS terrorists out of Syria into Afghanistan in unmarked helicopters, regional countries are taking steps to confront this menace to their security. The intelligence chiefs of Russia, China, Iran, and Pakistan met in Islamabad last month to chalk out a strategy of dealing with these terrorists.
The takfiri terrorists are the creation of imperialism, Zionism and Wahhabism to advance their nefarious agenda.
Imperialists use a number of tools to undermine governments that dare to stand against their oppressive policies. Their latest tool is the phenomenon called takfirism.
With the takfiris on the run in Syria and Iraq, it is time for sincere Muslims to take stock and see where they went wrong in becoming tools, even if unwittingly, of imperialism and Zionism.
The US-Zionist-Saudi-backed takfiri project is being folded up in both Iraq and Syria but these misguided people, set-up by the West, have caused immense damage to Islam and Muslims.
Mosul’s liberation from the clutches of the takfiri terrorists was announced on July 10. Next day, Hizbullah leader, Shaykh Sayed Hassan Nasrallah addressed the issue. Below is the transcript of his speech.
While not entirely its end, Mosul’s liberation will be a major blow to the takfiri terrorists in the region.
Graeme Wood’s attempt to paint the takfiris as “Islamic” is meant to discredit Islam and turn Muslims away from its principles to establish an Islamic State.
Had they been animals instead of humans, there would be much hue and cry in the west about the killing of civilians in Iraq. Since Muslim life is considered cheap, snuffing it out does not evoke even a yawn in the “civilized” west whose shock troopers, the takfiris, are busy doing the west's and the zionists' dirty work. The number of civilians killed in Iraq in October surpassed the staggering figure of 6700.
Muslim regimes suppress their own people and thus ignore the plight of the hapless Palestinians in order to serve the interests of zionism and imperialism. Their specialty is to finance terrorists against governments they do not like.