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Keyword: Europe

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News & Analysis

Rise Of The Far-right And The Migration Debate In Europe

Brecht Jonkers

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

The far-right’s rise in Europe is a worrying development. Centuries of colonialism devastating societies in Asia and Africa and in more recent years wars imposed on them under the pretext of fighting terrorism have forced millions of people to migrate. The Europeans don’t want them.

News & Analysis

Europe Pays The Price For US Belligerence Against Russia Over Ukraine

Waseem Shehzad

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14442023-01-01

America is not only prepared to fight against Russia to the last Ukrainian but that Europe has to pay the price. European industries are shutting down, unemployment is rising together with food and energy shortages and people are forced to eat pet food to survive.

News & Analysis

Europe Faces Dark, Cold Winter


Muharram 03, 14442022-08-01

Devastated by the pandemic, Europe has suffered another blow: sanctions against Russia over its war in Ukraine has caused the latter’s reduction in gas supplies to the continent. Massive price rises and civil unrest have followed. Will the winter witness a flood of European refugees to the Middle East? It cannot be discounted.

Main Stories

Ukraine War: US Defeats, Occupies and Humiliates Europe, Crushing Its Economy

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

America’s “help” to Ukraine is not so much aid as it is loans that have to be repaid. More critically, the US has used the conflict in Ukraine to crush Europe’s attempt to gain freedom from Uncle Sam’s deathly embrace. So much for US friendship.

Daily News Analysis

Vaccine apartheid and the new virus strain, Omicron

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Thani 24, 14432021-11-29

Daily News Analysis

Repercussions of Belarus-Poland border crisis

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14432021-11-21

Daily News Analysis

Implications of EU top court’s latest anti-Muslim ruling

Crescent International

Dhu al-Hijjah 08, 14422021-07-18

Daily News Analysis

Stealing Africa’s wealth and stashing it in the West

Dr Mustafa Bothwell Mheta

Rabi' al-Awwal 03, 14422020-10-20


European New Right: Symptom of the West’s Decline

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 27, 14402019-06-01

The rise of far right parties in Europe and indeed even in North America reflects the moral and political decline of the West.


European Disintegration


Jumada' al-Ula' 26, 14402019-02-01

Brexit, Yellow Vest and the rise of fascist parties all across Europe signal trouble for the continent of 500 million people. Can disintegration be far behind?


Fascism on the March, Again


Muharram 21, 14402018-10-01

There is something in the Europeans’ gene propelling them toward fascism. Europe has the dubious distinction of having given birth to many demonic ideologies but fascism remains its enduring legacy.

Book Review

Enlightenment Unitarianism

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 13, 14392018-01-01

Enlightened Unitarianism’s huge debt to Islam and its ideas of social and political justice.


Legitimizing Islamophobia

Zafar Bangash

Safar 12, 14392017-11-01

Islamophobia has gone mainstream. Both in North America and Europe, it has received official sanction and is being used to justify the West’s wars of aggression against Muslims.

News & Analysis

Being Muslim and travelling in Europe of 2016

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 27, 14372016-08-01

Europe’s mask of civility is off. Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment are rampant and expressed openly. Our correspondent offers some tips on how to go about living and traveling in Europe.

News & Analysis

Europe leans right: reasons and repercussions

Maksud Djavadov

Ramadan 26, 14372016-07-01

Rightwing parties have made a strong showing in elections in a number of countries recently including Austria. Our correspondent examines the reasons and what this may imply for the future of Muslims.

Islamic Movement

Rahbar: today, terrorism is our common worry

Sayyid Ali Khamenei

Safar 19, 14372015-12-01

The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again moved me to speak to you young people. For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to create the framework for a conversation.

Daily News Analysis

Refugee crisis evokes blatant Islamophobia in Europe

Crescent International

Dhu al-Qa'dah 25, 14362015-09-09

Why has the refugee crisis evoked such strong sentiments in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere? We look at the figures that provide clue to what is afoot...


Reflecting on the 20th anniversary of the start of Bosnia’s war

Iqbal Siddiqui

Jumada' al-Akhirah 09, 14332012-05-01

Early last month, Bosnians marked the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the genocidal war waged against them by the Serbs and Croats of former Yugoslavia, a war whose objective was the extermination of the largest indigenous Muslim community remaining in Europe.

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