During the pandemic at least 160 million people have fallen into poverty but the billionaire class, all of them Americans except one, have increased their wealth and have turned into trillionaires. This is not the result of being smart; they manipulate the system to their advantage.
Since the US has declared China as enemy number one, Beijing’s economic plans of which the Belt and Road Initiative is a major component, have been targeted through huge negative propaganda. Lies peddled through the media are simply mind-boggling
There is great potential to boost Pakistan-Turkey trade. The two-day visit of Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan to Pakistan will help boost trade and other relations. Islamic Iran, too, must be brought into the equation.
The dollar has had a free ride for decades. New players are beginning to challenge its hegemony because of the atrocious conduct of American rulers. What will replace the dollar is yet to be determined and when.
The US has successfully used the dollar to undermine countries that refuse to kowtow to its diktat. Now, some of the countries—Islamic Iran, Turkey, Russia and China—have decided to bypass the dollar.
Most products in the world are promoted through branding. Even junk is successfully marketed through branding. One can think of Coke, Pepsi, McDonald and other junk food. Muslims have not learned the art of branding even their wholesome products. Time to wake up.
Whenever the Saudi ‘royals’ mess up the economy, they reflexively target poor expatriate workers. There is not even a hint that the Bani Saud would curtail their extravagant lifestyle or accept responsibility for messing things up.
Part of the reason why people came out in such large numbers to support the elected government of President Recep Tayip Erdogan is that it has provided tangible benefits to the people since the AKP came to power in 2002.
1The Rahbar, Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei of Iran has repeatedly drawn attention to the importance of developing a ‘Resistance economy’. This includes reliance on indigenous talent and production to eliminate the need for imports or external support.
Has the US dollar finally met is match as a global reserve currency? Since the Second World War, the dollar has held sway thereby boosting America's economy but as with its military, so with its currency, challengers have emerged. China has made a strong presence by introducing an alternate currency clearance system through the China International Payment System to bypass the European-based SWIFT. Is the US dollar about to lose its clout...
The Gauteng Muslim Shurah Council (GMSC) wishes to extend an invitation to take in an interactive inaugural Conference on ‘Social Justice’ which will Inshallah be held in Daveyton.
Egypt is a basket case. It needs massive infusion of aid to survive. The Saudi regime and the putative potentates of the Gulf shaikhdoms cannot continue to finance the dictatorship indefinitely. It has had to beg the west for bailout.
President Goodluck Jonathan is brazen to the point of being obnoxious about pouring money into his own area while ignoring other parts of the country especially Muslim majority areas. Nigerians hope the February 14 elections will consign him to the dustbin of history.
Russia is emerging as a major power but its economy is still weak despite being endowed with enormous natural resources.
Will the latest mining disaster in Turkey affect Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's political future adversely? Some observers feel he is losing touch with popular sentiment by the manner in which he has issued statements in the wake of this latest disaster.
Unfortunately, accurate statistics about a country’s economy are always hard to come by. Whatever data is available, however, can be used to analyze its true situation. We start this series by looking at Turkey.