Recep Tayip Erdogan is a ruthless politician. He acts like a street thug insisting on having his way. This is what has just transpired in forcing his long-time friend and ally Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu to resign. Since Erdogan wants to change the constitution to grab all powers in his hands as president instead of allowing the prime minister executive authority as per the constitution, Davutoglu is being pushed out. Erdogan wants to be king!
Recept Tayip Erdogan is no democrat; he is a dictator. That is the only way to describe him.
Elections have become the latest fad around the world. It seems everyone has discovered that elections can be a useful tool to fool almost all the people almost all the time. At the end of February, Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, held elections to end military rule but brought to power a former military dictator, general Olusegun Obasanjo.