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Keyword: Ariel Sharon

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Daily News Analysis

From ICC to ICJ and back to ‘International Legality’

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 22, 14452024-01-04

Daily News Analysis

Mass murderer Sharon dead, at last!

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Awwal 10, 14352014-01-11

One of the most evil persons ever to walk on the face of earth, Ariel Sharon, has died, at last. He was 85 and had been in a coma since January 2006 after suffering multiple strokes. He was a mass murderer and went to his grave with the blood of tens of thousands innocent Palestinians, Lebanese and Egyptians on his hands. May he receive punishment commensurate with his vile deeds.


Sharon’s plan to ‘withdraw’ from Ghazzah both a victory for the intifada and a self-serving ploy


Ramadan 18, 14252004-11-01

Ariel Sharon, the ‘Butcher of Beirut’ and the man whose desecration of the Haram al-Sharif in September 2000 sparked the al-Aqsa Intifada and helped him to be elected prime minister of Israel the following year, was hailed as a peace-maker last month when the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) voted to approve his plan for Israel’s so-called ‘withdrawal’ from Ghazzah...

Occupied Arab World

Massive suffering and destruction in Ghazzah as Sharon rallies support for 'withdrawal'

Ahmad Musa

Ramadan 18, 14252004-11-01

Although Ariel Sharon’s plan for the withdrawal of Israeli settlements from Ghazzah, and the redeployment of troops in the area, is part of a larger plan to secure Israel’s control over Palestine as a whole...

Occupied Arab World

Outrage as Bush accepts Sharon’s agenda

Ahmad Musa

Rabi' al-Awwal 11, 14252004-05-01

As US and Israeli officials prepared for the meeting between George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon on April 14, the Arab world was full of rumours that the Bush administration had agreed to give Sharon "assurances" and "guarantees" in return for Israel’s purported agreement to withdraw from Ghazzah...

Occupied Arab World

Israelis approve roadmap after humiliating Abu Mazen

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Thani 01, 14242003-06-01

Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon became a champion for peace on May 25, when he persuaded his cabinet to accept the US’s ‘roadmap’ for peace.


Hamas leading Palestinians against all enemies


Ramadan 26, 14232002-12-01

Israel stepped up operations in the West Bank and Ghazzah last month after two successful operations by Palestinian mujahideen: one against Israeli forces in al-Khalil on November 15, one a martyrdom bombing in Jerusalem.

Occupied Arab World

Butcher Sharon lets soldiers loose on Palestinians as world watches

Abul Fadl

Safar 03, 14232002-04-16

Ariel Sharon, Israel’s prime minister, could not have done more for his reputation as a heartless, bloodthirsty war-criminal. Dozens of rotting bodies littering the streets and homes of West Bank cities...

Occupied Arab World

Hobeika killing a blow to attempts to try Ariel Sharon

Khalil Marwan

Dhu al-Qa'dah 18, 14222002-02-01

That Israel is a terrorist state and its prime minister, Ariel Sharon, is a war-criminal are undeniable. The murder on January 24 of Elie Hobeika, himself one of the most notorious war-criminals in Lebanon, was almost certainly carried out by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency.

Special Reports

As Palestinians die under Israeli bullets, some remember Ariel Sharon’s bloody record

Abbas Fadl Murtada

Ramadan 16, 14222001-12-01

As Palestinians marked the 48th anniversary of the massacre of Qibya a few weeks ago, they provided another reminder of the blood-soaked history of Ariel Sharon, Israel’s current prime minister.

Special Reports

New law denying property rights to Palestinian refugees highlights their plight in Lebanon

Crescent International

Ramadan 01, 14222001-11-16

The massacres of Palestinian women and children in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps nineteen years ago, during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, brought the camps into public consciousness.

Special Reports

Ariel Sharon’s history of crimes against humanity remembered on anniversary of massacres at Sabra and Shatilla

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 13, 14222001-09-01

Nineteen years after the gruesome massacres at the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in Beirut, there is renewed interest in the issue, largely because a lawsuit has been lodged in a Belgian court against Ariel Sharon, now Israeli prime minister, for his role.

Occupied Arab World

Zionist settlers step up terrorism as Sharon sounds the drums of war

Abul Fadl

Jumada' al-Ula' 11, 14222001-08-01

It was an appalling display of barbarism: on July 19 Jewish settlers ambushed the al-Itmeizi family and murdered three of them, including a 10-week-old baby girl, Diya. Four other family members were wounded.

Occupied Arab World

Is justice finally catching up with the Butcher of Beirut?

Waseem Shehzad

Rabi' al-Thani 09, 14222001-07-01

Is the past finally catching up with Ariel Sharon, better known as the “Butcher of Beirut”? A case was lodged in a Brussels court on June 18 by survivors of the massacre at Sabra and Shatila refugee-camps (1982), accusing the Israeli prime minister of genocide and crimes against humanity.


Sharon’s strategy against intifada: targeted force and ‘suffocation’

Iqbal Siddiqui

Muharram 07, 14222001-04-01

Ariel Sharon’s ascension to the zionist premiership late in February has had marked effects on the zionist strategy for countering the on-going Palestinian intifada against Israeli occupation. Other things, however, have remained very much the same.

Occupied Arab World

Sharon’s election a sign of desperation in the West’s last colony in the Muslim world

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 05, 14212001-03-01

The last colonial outpost in the heartland of Islam is crumbling under the power of the intifada. The overwhelming vote for war-criminal Ariel Sharon in the Israeli elections (February 6) is a sign of zionist desperation in the face of the Palestinians’ achievements.

Occupied Arab World

Palestinians not cowed by election of Ariel Sharon, the ‘zionist nazi’

Iqbal Siddiqui

Dhu al-Qa'dah 22, 14212001-02-16

The election of Ariel Sharon as prime minister of the zionist state was supposed to be a statement of intent that Israel was tired of talking to the Palestinians and had turned away from the peace process in favour of a hard response to the Palestinians’ continued uprising.

Occupied Arab World

Israel wants out of South Lebanon

Khalil Marwan

Dhu al-Hijjah 04, 14181998-04-01

Twenty years after Israel first invaded Lebanon, and sixteen years after their troops smashed their way to the gates of Beirut before being pushed back to a ‘buffer zone’ in the south of the country, they appear to have had enough and want out.

Showing 1-18 of 18

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