Republican presidential contender Donald Trumps thinks everyone in America, especially Barack Obama is stupid. He (Trump) is the only one smart enough to save America from Moozlems! There are enough stupid people in America that believe him. Among them is the police chief in a small Texan town. This is not surprising. Wasn't George Bush also from Texas?
FAST FOOD NATION: WHAT THE ALL-AMERICAN MEAL IS DOING TO THE WORLD by Eric Schlosser. London: Penguin Books, 2002. Pp. 386. Pbk. £7.99.
Not only the US military but even the media including European have resorted to using drones. If the military drones incinerate people with hellfire missiles, the media drones will capture you in all your 'natural' glory. Nobody will be able to hide anymore; not even in their bedroom or bathroom. Get used to it: Big Brother is really watching you!
American senators are in the pocket of the Zionist lobby but they have just proved they are also dumb. In an attempt to "teach" the Iranian leadership how the US Constitution works, they made the preposterous claim that the senate "ratifies" treaties. It does not; only the president of the United State has the authority to ratify a treaty by signing it. Who elected these "geniuses" to the Senate?
It is open season on Muslims in the US. In the wake of the triple murder in White Chapel (NC) last month, a recent immigrant from Iraq was shot and killed in Dallas, TX as he watched his first snowflakes in life while his wife took photographs. Islamophobia is running rampant and no Muslim seems to be safe in America anymore.
The American spy agency, CIA, is going rogue, officially. It no longer feels the need to indulge in illegal acts covertly; the gloves are off and the whole world will now be under total surveillance. How long before everyone is under US lock down because some warmonger in Washington feels an individual, group or country poses a “threat” to US interests?
The US House of Representatives has secretly passed a new bill that increases state surveillance powers without any court oversight. The US has become a police state.
On a visit to Tehran, Canadian writer recounts the history of US meddling in Iranian affairs that were brought to an end by the taking over of the US Den of Spies (aka the US Embassy) by revolutionary students.
While documenting CIA torture of innocents in the so-called war on terror, the American establishment is loathe to put the perpetrators on trial for their crimes.
Police in America shoot and kill black men, especially teens, first and worry about their guilt later. Even in death, their character assassination continues as the case of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO shows. The unarmed teen was shot six times execution-style even after he had raised his hands in surrender. Life for black teens is extremely precarious in the US even if one of them makes it to the White House!
America has the best democracy money can buy. This has become even truer with the latest Supreme Court decision. America is now an oligarchy rather than a democracy and the highest court has confirmed it.
American officials are forever launching wars; shooting wars as well as wars on concepts whether it is poverty or terror. Apart from its war on Muslims, America has lost every war, none more thoroughly than the one on poverty
The American social and aristocratic class is as rigidly hierarchical as the British monarchy the American media seems to deride. In fact, evidence shows that those born into the top 1 per cent continue to enjoy the benefits of the system far more than those at the bottom. The system favours the top 1 per cent disporportionately to the detriment of others.
US President Barack Obama shook the blood-soaked hands of Thein Sein of Myanmar at the White House.
Drone attacks kill innocents and create enemies. This is precisely what the American war industry wants: endless supply of enemies for endless war.
In the wake of the Boston bombing, this tweet from a Libyan blogger captured the overall Muslim sentiment. The so-called leaders of the Muslim community in North America were quick to condemn the bombings. These same leaders, however, have never condemned America’s crimes against innocents in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen…