Masjid al-Aqsa is the first qibla of Muslims. It is under serious threat of zionist zealots that want to demolish it build their mythical third temple. While the Palestinians are in the forefront of defending it, Muslims worldwide must also assume their responsibility for its defence.
Israeli firsters in the US have realized that their foolish policies have brought Turkey and Islamic Iran closer to each other. This is bound to strengthen the resistance front against Zionism and imperialism.
Zionists encroachments and attacks on Masjid al-Aqsa and indeed the entire Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem have become more frequent. Muslims cannot remain indifferent to this threat to the Muslims’ first qibla and third holiest site.
With Muslims engrossed in the fitna created by the takfiris, the Zionists are busy tightening their grip on al-Masjid al-Aqsa and digging their claws deeper into Palestine.
By destroying the sacred sites of Islam, the Saudis are wiping out Islamic history. The Zionists are involved in a similar criminal enterprise in Occupied Palestine.
The occupiers of the two Harams appear determined to destroy both for their nefarious agendas. The House of Saud and the Zionists are two faces of the same coin.
Masjid al Aqsa, the first Qibla of Muslims, is under threat of Zionist occupation. Will Muslims respond to this latest threat in any meaningful way or allow the Zionists to usurp it?
Mohamed El Saifi says Al Aqsa has the potential to explode into a major conflict unless the Zionists are prevented from violating its sacred soil.
The Zionists have escalated their attacks on Palestinians resisting the illegal occupiers' attempts to take over Masjid al-Aqsa with a view to its destruction to build their Temple there.
Muslims ought to distinguish between Masjid al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock.
Every year, al-Quds rallies are held worldwide on the last Friday of Ramadan. They are important because they remind the Muslims as well as non-Muslims that the first qibla of Muslims remains under alien occupation. Its liberation is the responsibility of every Muslim.
Masjid al-Aqsa has a rich history. It is intimately linked with Prophetic history, not of one but numerous prophets. It was first built by the Prophet Ibrahim (as) years after he built the Ka‘aba with his first son Ismail (as). Muslims have always been its true custodians despite illegal Zionist encroachments
The first Qibla of Muslims is under Zionist threat but both the Muslim regimes as well as committed Muslims seem to be largely unconcerned.
The zionists have long harbored ill-intentions towards Masjid al-Aqsa and the Haram al-Sharif. These evil intentions received a boost when Israel’s Minister for Housing and Construction Uri Ariel announced that the so-called “Third Temple” would be built there.
The zionists’ attempts to take over Masjid al-Aqsa need highlighting and the Ummah as whole must take responsibility for its protection.
The Zionists never give up. Not only have they stolen almost all of Palestine but they have also intensified their encroachment and attacks on the Haram al-Sharif that contains the Masjid al-Aqsa. Muslims worldwide should take note of this and prevent the Zionists from succeeding.
The annual Quds Day rallies have become a global phenomenon. In North America, Toronto holds by far the largest rally anywhere. At the same time, the rally has also attracted some unsavoury characters, like the Zionist thugs that want to disrupt it. They have failed and will continue to fail in the future as well, insha’Allah.
The kingdom of Jordan is an artificial entity created by the British colonialists. It continues to serve the purpose as an agent of imperialism and Zionism.
The month of August included the anniversaries of three important events in Islamic history, two reflecting Islam’s glory and the third the Muslims’ current impotence.
As Muslims around the world rallied in defence of the Haram in al-Quds, FAHAD ANSARI was concerned by some of the attitudes he found during a protest in London.