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Letters To The Editor

UN irrelevant to global peace

Aamir Malik

The UN is no longer relevant to bringing about peace in the world. It never has been.

Watching on television the proceedings at the United Nations, I was forced to ask: is this organization relevant to the affairs of the world today? A long line of rulers strutted about the stage to pontificate about their favorite topic that had little relevance to the reality of the world. US President Barack Obama spent a total of two hours at the UN. He was more interested in campaigning to seek reelection. He did not have time to meet many of the rulers that had traveled long distances to be in New York. When your own job is on the line, there is little time for diplomatic niceties.

Several things struck me about the proceedings. When Obama finished speaking, the UN Secretary General came down from the platform to shake his hand. Why this subservience? In his speech, Obama thundered against those that attacked the US mission in Benghazi. What about the US killing innocent civilians worldwide using drones? The US is guilty of egregious crimes in such countries as Iraq (1.5 million killed), Afghanistan (100,000 killed), Pakistan (15,000+ killed) and many other places. How about holding US rulers responsible for these crimes?

Then there was the Amir of Qatar, Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa. He called for war on Syria from the UN platform when this body is supposed to prevent wars! The unelected Qatari ruler wanted Arabian armies sent to Syria because the West would not do so. Why thunder at the UN then? Convene the Arab League summit and see how many would commit troops. How pathetic.

Aamir Malik

Los Angeles, CA, US

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 41, No. 8

Dhu al-Qa'dah 14, 14332012-10-01

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