A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Current Issue

Main Stories

Despite Its Lies Being Exposed, Israel Continues To Peddle Them

Ayman Ahmed

The zionists and their western allies are compulsive liars. Even though their lies have been exposed, they continue to peddle them. This is part of the policy to dehumanize the Islamic resistance in o...

Main Stories

Consequences Of Israel’s Full-scale War With Hizbullah

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Should Israel make the blunder of launching a full-scale war against Hizbullah in Lebanon, it will receive a very harsh response. The illegitimate entity may not be able to survive the punishment it w...


The Evil Nature Of Zionism


Zionism is an evil ideology. It is linked to many other evil ideologies spawned by Europe. Many leading zionists had close links with the Nazis, seeing them as helping their drive to colonize Palestin...


Asserting The Political Power Of Islam

Zafar Bangash

Despite the indescribable suffering inflicted on the Palestinian people, Is...


Advice Is Seldom Welcome, And Those Who Need It The Most, Like It The Least

Abu Dharr

In his early years as Khalifah, Uthman followed the policies of his predece...

News & Analysis

Can The US Take On Russia And China Simultaneously?

Kevin Barrett

The Washington warlords are addicted to war and bloodshed. Their latest tar...

News & Analysis

Reflecting On US Involvement In Israel-Lebanon War

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

American politicians of all stripes are under the complete control of the z...

News & Analysis

Is The US An Honest Broker In Mediating A Truce Deal In Gaza?

Omar Ahmed

American officials have been to-ing and fro-ing between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Do...

News & Analysis

Saudis Turn Hajj Into A Death Trap For Pilgrims

Khadijah Ali

Far from being the spiritual journey and fulfilment of a life-long desire t...

America is barging into Africa under the pretext of fighting terrorism. The US itself is the biggest supporter and promoter of terrorism. Uncle Sam’s true aim is to plunder Africa’s resources foll...

Iranians will go the polls again in a week’s time to vote in the second round of presidential election. The two front-runners, neither of whom secured the required 50% plus one vote, will face off e...

News & Analysis

Rise Of The Far-right And The Migration Debate In Europe

Brecht Jonkers

The far-right’s rise in Europe is a worrying development. Centuries of co...

Letters to the Editor
Opinion Poll

Two evil regimes--the zionist entity in occupied Palestine and Bani Saud occupied Arabian Peninsula--must be removed if people in West Asia are to have peace.

Don't Know

Editors' Pick


Eva Bartlett

Ayman Ahmed

Abu Dharr

Khadijah Ali

Tahir Mahmoud

Muhammad H. al-'Asi



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