Imam Muhammad al-Asi is Research Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought. He is currently working on the first-ever English Tafsir of the Qur'an titled: The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture. Eight volumes of this Tafsir have already been published.
The Ascendant Qur’an Translation: An Advanced English Translation of the Meanings of the Qur’an is meant to serve as a companion to Imam Muhammad al-‘Asi’s tafsir (exegesis) compendium, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture.
By its very nature, a translation does not go into too much detail or background information, that being the forte of tafsir. This translation is, therefore, intended to serve as a gateway to Imam al-‘Asi’s tafsir.
Why are we praying here in the street? What’s all of this about? The answer is simple. We get this question. Some people ask. This is a very transient city. A lot of individuals come here for a few weeks or months or years and then they leave and they see this. We’re praying. What’s this all about? It’s simple- we’re here outside for the past almost going on our thirty-eighth year.
There are people who are obsessed (and) they feel fear all the time and this is not in the spirit of our character. If we are Qur’anic Muslims (or) if we are divine Muslims (or) if we are prophetic Muslims, we know that anytime this issue of fear comes along, it is a passing issue.
This freedom that is guaranteed to us by Allah (jalla wa’ala) has made some of us very committed to Allah, and has made some of us wiggle away from that commitment and has rendered others of us totally irrelevant. All of this is the function of and the result of our God-guaranteed freedom.
Throughout the noble Qur’an and especially in this surah, we learn about the struggles of Allah’s Prophets (AS). They faced trials and tribulations, even exile and death, but they nonetheless upheld the principle of maintaining justice in society. It was through such sacrifices that Allah’s laws were ultimately implemented. Today in¬justices have been institutionalized at every level in society. The rich and powerful exploit the weak and poor. The wealth gap be¬tween the two has now reached an all-time extreme — yet no one in the public airwaves characterizes this as “extremism.” Far from recognizing that this is the direct result of man-made policies, the oppressors and tyrants blame the victims for their misfortune.
From its contents we can discern that Surah al-A‘raf, like the surah preceding it, was revealed in Makkah. The time period of revelation also appears to be the same: near the end of the Prophet’s mission in Makkah and in preparation for the Hijrah to Madinah. This is apparent from the reference to the Children of Israel and their argumentative behavior vis-à-vis Musa (AS). The Prophet (SAL) and the Muslims with him were about to encounter Banu Isra‘il, for the first time as an organized opposition, upon their arrival in Madinah.
In his monumental tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture, Imam Muhammad al-‘Asi guides us through these intricacies and alerts us to the dangers of human-tampered foods and meats. It is his discussion of such vital issues that makes this tafsir unique. The mufassirs of earlier tafsirs had not confronted the issues of genetically modified foods or hormone- and antibiotic-injected animals, as such practices — and the human “gods” who manage them — were either nonexistent or not widespread at the time.
In this volume of the tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture, by Imam Muhammad H al-‘Asi, the last portion of Surah al-Ma’idah (ayat 82–120) and the first 32 ayat of Surah al-An‘am are covered. Surah al-Ma’idah was revealed in Madinah. As for Surah al-An‘am, a Makkan surah, there is general consensus among scholars that it was revealed in the last year of the Prophet’s (SAW) mission in Makkah before he was forced to seek sanctuary in Madinah.
Imam al-‘Asi has rendered and continues to render a great service to the Ummah by explaining the Qur’anic ayat in such a way as to have them explain today’s situation. While the Qur’an provides narratives of earlier people, these are not meant as mere stories from history but as timeless lessons so that we may avoid the fate of our predecessors by ordering our lives in conformity with Allah’s (SWT) commands. The lessons in this sequence of ayat from Surah al- Ma’idah are especially applicable today as they talk about authority and divinity. At a time when man-made laws have run amok causing havoc with the lives of the vast majority of humanity, the Qur’anic guidance comes to the rescue of committed Muslims, and by extension, a wayward humanity. It is for us to internalize these lessons by renewing our covenant with Allah (SWT) and His prophet (SAW).
3In this ninth volume of the multi-volume tafsir series, Imam Muhammad al-‘Asi has dealt with only the first 40 ayat of Sura al-Mai’dah. These ayat relate to important injunctions requiring detailed treatment, and hence the explanations here enable readers to understand the divine commands with the motivation to go out there and make some changes. Those readers that have followed the tafsir series thus far would appreciate the depth of treatment accorded to the Qur’anic ayat herein. Imam al-‘Asi has taken special care to link the divine commands to today’s reality and identify the present-day covenant violators and oppressors.
2The Bani Saud (aka the House of Saud) seems to be heading for a fall. One generation shuffling to its grave, the other at loggerheads and great discontent internally plus massive failures externally have all combined to make its end nigh, says author Zafar Bangash.
Dr. Aafia Siddiqui's case is a burning ember that will continue to burn the conscience of the Muslims; and particularly the Muslims living in the United States. Her tragic plight exposes the secular government in Pakistan and the "Islamic" organizations: both share a common silence about her plight — a silence that amounts to complicity and a crime against humanity.
We come to the political aspect of this Islamophobia and we find (that) all hell breaks loose when Muslims seeks self-determination, self- rule (and) self-governance. Why is that? These are things that are enshrined in International Law, in the charters and in the chapters of the United Nations literature and I don’t think there’s anything in religious texts of whichever religion that argue against a people deciding to have their own self-determination.
And if Islam happens to be a voice for equality and peace and justice then Islam becomes an obstacle; and when Islam becomes an obstacle, that obstacle has to be removed from this highway of interests and to remove it, it has to be criminalized and Muslims have to be dehumanized to become the easy targets for warfare. This is what we see happening in today’s world.
This issue of kufr and takfir is probably on many minds and we have been trying to trace it and to explain it and to expose it. Everyone who’s someone is commenting on the atrocities and the bloodshed and the acts of savagery that have been committed in the name of Islam against Muslims and non Muslims alike. This khutbah shall be another contribution for our heightened consciousness of Allah’s authoritative power presence in our affairs, in other words, to reinforce the taqwa in us. We want to mention to you that the word kufr and its derivatives is to be found or mentioned in about 525 or 535 times (in the Qur’an). One source says 525 (and) another source says 535. Whatever the case is, the word kufr is mentioned more than 500 times in the Qur’an. This is a very important word obviously.
The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir (exegesis) to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This eight volume concludes the explanation of Surah al-Nisa', going from verse 87 through 176. In particular, it addresses issues related to dual-loyalty (nifaq), including the following topics: Muslim-on-Muslim violence as an indicator of nifaq, how jihad and hijrah are relevant to each other, no favoritism in the adjudication of justice, how shirk gets dressed up to prevent God's justice, how nifaq affects Muslim attitudes to social justice, the recalcitrant Yahudi, and the Holy Trinity.
1We mentioned earlier, many times, that asabiyah (or) this self centeredness- whether it’s a tribal self centeredness or whether it’s a nationalistic self centeredness or whether it’s a racist self centeredness, it comes in many forms; whatever it is- its an enemy to the committed Muslims because it plays itself out in warfare just like we are seeing in the real world. You can place these khutbahs in the context of the killings that are going on, explosions, pass by shootings, throwing hand grenades, opening fire randomly in certain areas just because they belong to Sunnis or Shi’is or whatever. All of this is meant to resuscitate this asabiyah that we have been exposing so at least we don’t fall prey to their plans.
The Prophet of Allah passed away and like we said when he passed away there were multitudes of people who jumped on the Islamic bandwagon. This was in the final couple of years of the Prophet’s lifetime. Here we had over a hundred thousand who were not from the Muhajirin (radi Allahu anhum) who were not from the Ansar (radi Allahu anhum) who were not from amongst those who struggled for the past twenty years with Allah’s Prophet. So now we had new dynamics that are at work and because we have what is beginning to look like a civil war among Muslims we have to go to these issues to deal with them at the source because the ignorance of these source issues is the material of today’s war making among the Muslims.
The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir (exegesis) to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This seventh volume continues with the explanation of Surah al-Nisa', going from verse 36 through 86. A key topic in this volume concerns how the civic trust should be managed; other related topics include: expanding the family circle to include non-blood relations, why Muslims need to be cognizant of their enemies, why capable executors should be entrusted with decision-making responsibilities, and how military preparedness is an aspect of iman.
1This month has instilled in the committed Muslims and Muslimahs who were fulfilling its meanings, among the many other features of it, a resolve that cannot be defeated. Many times just between you and yourself- no one else- you think and you feel. These are two components inside your own self. No one can hear your thinking or no one can feel your emotions and with the thoughts that come your way and with all of these issues- they can be personal issues, they can be family issues, they can be social issues or community issues or whatever the nature of them are and there is many of them that will come into your mind and into your heart- sometimes our frail human nature gives in. It’s overwhelming! There’s too many things! How can I change this world? If ever you go down that slope of feelings and thoughts Ramadhan should teach you that it is not you that will change anything, it is Allah who will change these things that will have to be changed.
Is it surprising that Muslims are humiliated and despised almost everywhere? Allah (SWT) has made Taqwa the criterion for one human being to excel another (49:13). When family, race, tribe or “nation” becomes the determining feature for establishing class hierarchies and institutionalizing economic disparities between different groups of Muslims, humiliation is sure to follow. Muslims will have power when they respect Allah’s (SWT) power — that is, when they have Taqwa. Muslims will be weak and humiliated when their public persona is socialized into conformity to man-made power centers or laws. fasting in Ramadan offers Muslims the opportunity to break from man-made laws and to conform to the commands of Allah (SWT) to achieve a life of dignity and honor that He, the Almighty, has promised to His faithful servants, by achieving Taqwa. This booklet has been extracted from Volume 2 of Imam Muhammad al-'Asi’s tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture.
1The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir (exegesis) to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This sixth volume begins the explanation of Surah al-Nisa', going from verse 1 through 35. In particular, it addresses issues related to women and family life, including the following topics: safeguarding families to build caring societies, legal protections that frame the Islamic moral fabric, and love and responsibility within the framework of marriage.
1We will continue to accompany Allah’s Prophet and to understand where we have in the past failed to understand him. In the past hundred, two hundred years we suffered from a failure in understanding him. We seek to rehabilitate ourselves, to refresh our minds (and) to energize our conscience (and) to understand what he stood for. The Prophet of Allah, we all know, reached a time in which it was no longer possible to have a peaceful of even a normal relationship between him and those who are with him on one side in Makkah and the rest of Makkah on the other side. There comes a time when this has to happen. If this doesn’t happen in our lives then there is a failure on our part to fulfil the character of Allah’s Prophet which he left for us.
Al-Fatihah is essentially composed in the form of a dua (supplication) made by the conforming subject to his Sustainer, in response to which Allah (SWT) revealed the noble Qur’an to guide humanity in its otherwise wayward and capricious journey through this world. Without such guidance and the loving care of the Creator, man would be completely lost. Indeed today, he is. It is our hope and sincere desire that this booklet will enable the seekers of truth and guidance to find solace in its words. We also hope that this will enable Muslims, indeed all seekers of truth and justice, to engage the noble Book in a more profound way. If this humble effort provides comfort and solace to those reading it, as well as the motivation to go out there and do something, then we feel our efforts have been rewarded.
1I would like to begin by thanking the hosts of tonight’s event by placing me upfront thereby trying to satisfy you and me that they are giving me extra time. Where it’s only half-an-hour whether I am upfront or at the end of the list it doesn’t matter, I’ll try to add another few minutes without trying to be inconsiderate of the other speakers who will follow me.
The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir (exegesis) to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This fifth volume concludes the explanation of Surah Al Imran, going from verse 121 through 200. In particular, it addresses the following topics: incognito multiple loyalties and the lessons of Uhud, how usury leads to perpetual war, civlizational longevity and fidelity to social laws, how victory with faulty commitments is not assured, why shura is not "Islamic" democracy, the contrast between God-affirmers and God-deniers, Uhud and the unremitting Israeli opposition to Islam, and the connection between social and physical laws.
1In an interview by the Turkish based World Bulletin with, North America's two leading Muslim thinkers, Contemporary Islamic Thought Institute President Mohammed al-'Asi and Crescent magazine Editor in Chief Zafar Bangash, two thinkers talked about the understanding of the Islamic movement and the need for creating a new language without using western concepts, as well as al-'Asi's 30 volume first English commentary of the Qur'an.
On the side line of the summit of the Forum for the proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought held in Tehran in autumn 2010, Taqrib News Agency the subsidiary to the Forum got the opportunity to meet with Imam Muhammad al-Asi and ask him for the answer to some questions regarding Shia and Sunni relations, the Muslim Image in the US and the mosque which was supposed to be built two blocks away from the site of 9/11 called Ground Zero. Following is the script of our interview with him.
The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This fourth volume begins the explanation of Surah Al Imran, going from verse 1 through 120. In particular, it addresses the following topics: the incompatibility of Iman and Kufr, Christianity and the misunderstood nature of Jesus (a), Christian and Jewish antipathy for yielding to God, and the commitment quality of Muslims verses the people of previous scripture.
1Muslim peoples in the past generations display an inferiority attitude when it comes to rulers, officials and decision makers. It seems like ever since we have been growing up in the past fourteen centuries we have not been able to conquer the intimidation (from) rulers- whether they are Kings, Princes, Chief Executives and Presidents. We haven’t had in ourselves the collective mind that would shed our attention on their behaviour and the decisions that they make. Even the Islamic Fiqh that lives on among us concentrates on the individual in the street/the run of the mill Muslim, (so to speak), but it does not bring into its literature the position of those who are at the helm of Islamic decision making- they’re sort of beyond the fiqh of the fuqaha’. This has been a growing problem that has taken root Islamic societies in times that have past and in our living times.
One of the subjects that has been omitted from the Mimbar and from public attention is the issue of wealth and money. Many ayaat and ahadith inform/enlighten/show us the way on this matter because it is a very crucial/defining issue. To put it very concisely- money and wealth belong to Allah. Anyone who reads the ayaat in the Qur’an and the statements of Allah’s Prophet, (and we’ll be quoting some of them), and when we put all of this information together, we’ll come to realise that whatever possessions/assets we may have doesn’t belong to us. This is the easiest way to clear the air on this issue before we go into the details. But brothers and sisters committed Muslims: we don’t have an Islamic psychology/society/value system that is working. We have a lot of things on paper/in our minds, but for practical purposes the social psychology/public opinion in the Muslim realm acts as if whatever they have belongs to them and if they want to give of whatever they “have” they are doing...
Do people think or reckon or figure that they are going to be left alone just to say “we are Mu’minin without being subjected to the tests of the times and the pressures of the powers that be or without being placed in difficult position life? (Surah Al Ankabut verse 2) This is a question. Do people think this is the case? The question infers that this is not the case. You’re not expected by Allah to mumble the words of iman and then carry on without the challenges/difficulties that you will encounter in life. Before we jump to the conclusion, Muslims who commit themselves to Allah there-by becoming Mu’minin do so with an air of innocence. No one becomes a Muslim with a hot head on the first day- that doesn’t occur. When we become Muslims we do it with an open heart and a relaxed mind. There’s no fanaticism/intimidation/hostility about Islam. We acquiesce to Allah. But when we do this according to its principles/meanings, we can’t expect to be left alone.
Having diagnosed the condition of the Islamic world as one suffering from political divisions, economic disparities, cultural parochialism and sectarianism, the author calls for a return to the Islamic concept of ta’aruf—i.e., the mutual familiarity and acceptance of all Muslims within the ummah. Four broad areas to implement ta’aruf are explored including education, travel, the Hajj and language. The article concludes with some political and economic recommendations to pave the way for Islamic solidarity.
There is no doubt that today’s Muslims are more divided than they have ever been. The divisions are so prevalent that in the political and economic sense of the word the Muslims of the world have ceased to be the “ummah” spoken about in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. A closer look at the condition of today’s Muslims and we realize that these divisions are related to disputes and disagreements that have become throughout the ages what appear to be irreconcilable differences.
The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This third volume ends the explanation of Surah al-Baqarah, going from verse 215 through 286. In particular, it addresses the following topics: the Muslims' growing maturity in the first Madinan generation, family as the essential unit of social stability, Muslims as the inheritors of the Covenant, key conclusions from the longest Qur'anic surah, reflections on life and death, the spirit of giving and the reorganization of wealth, about usury and its societal consequences, legislation governing loan agreements, and concluding duas about taqwa imperatives.
1The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This second volume proceeds further into the explanation of Surah al-Baqarah from verse 142 through 214. In particular, it addresses the following topics: the central position of Makkah as a sanctuary from racism and nationalism, the relationship between sabr and salah, fine-tuning the human conception of din, some building blocks of taqwa, maintenance of security and Hajj are tightly connected, and enhancing man's understanding of human nature.
1There are some elements and definitions in this presentation that have to be clarified. For a long time now, words have been used in an absent minded way; and clichés have taken on a life of their own. I would like to be conscious and thoughtful about what I am saying when we are speaking about an “Islamic Ummah”, “strategies” and “unity.”
The Ascendant Qur'an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is the first tafsir to be written directly in the English language. It is also the first tafsir to be written specifically to reinterpret the lessons of the noble Qur'an for the needs of Muslims living in the modern world, and particularly for those active in the contemporary Islamic movement. This first volume deals with the explanation of the verses in Surah al-Fatihah and Surah al-Baqarah through verse 141. It helps the reader understand how the Qur'an classifies the various power constituencies in humanity, the way it elucidates the identity of the Children of Israel and their role in the historical dissemination of scripture, and the manner in which it encourages the new Covenant bearers who have inherited the Abrahamic commitment.
1The first volume of ‘The Ascendant Qur’an’, Imam Muhammad al-Asi’s tafseer, was launched by the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought in Toronto on May 24. Crescent International took the opportunity to speak with Imam al-Asi about his tafseer, and his understanding of the challenges facing the global Islamic movement.
Justice and equity are central concepts to be found in the scripture of all three of the monotheistic faith tradition. The corresponding lack of these concepts in public discourse is contributing to, not solving the issue of Palestine. The genesis of liberation theology gives justification for the combination of people and land on the basis of justice and equity. The absence of justice fortifies the group rights to the holy land regardless of religious claims.
The study of the Seerah of the Prophet (saw) to learn lessons relevant to the contemporary Islamic movement is a major project of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought. Here, IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-'ASI, of Washington DC, discusses the centrality of Makkah in the strategy of the Prophet’s Seerah, and its implications for Muslims today.
The Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought convened a conference on the Seerah in Toronto last month, in association with Crescent International. Here we present the paper presented by IMAM MOHAMMAD AL-ASI.
The ICIT held a second International Seerah Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka, last month. Here we publish the paper presented at the conference by IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-ASI.
When Allah’s final Prophet (saw) gained the power to exercise authority and influence over the society of Madinah the Jews in that society realised that they were in no position to oppose him, at least during these times of fervent popular support for the Prophet among the Ansar of Madinah.
The contemporary world is in the process of a political reconfiguration. The traditional concepts and frameworks of understanding, capitalism vs. communism, right vs. left, and conservative vs. progressive, are outdated and have been left behind.
Imam Muhammad al-Asi is a Research Fellow of the ICIT. He is also elected Imam of the Islamic Centre in Washington DC. He presented this paper at the International Seerah Conferences convened by the ICIT in Colombo, Sri Lanka (June 16-18, 2000) and Karachi, Pakistan (June 25, 2000).
This paper was first presented by Imam Muhammad al-Asi at the Kalim Siddiqui Memorial Seminar in London in October 1998. It was then published in: The Seerah: A Power Perspective by Imam Muhammad al-Asi and Zafar Bangash, The Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, Toronto, London, 2000.
The phrase 'Islamic history' is a misnomer. Muslims do not really have Islamic history per se. There is history about Islam which is the product of non-Muslim, and often anti-Muslim, minds. This is true from the wars and battles of epic Islamic military encounters to the political and international relationships that extended from the dynasties of 1300 years ago to the present time.
The Israeli zionists have convinced themselves that their presence in Palestine is permanent. They have even managed to deceive world public opinion into believing this myth. The brainwashing that has gone into this effort is phenomenal.
The scholars of Islam are that assembly of ulama who have internalized the knowledge of Islam and communicate their understanding to the public. It is not enough to know facts, nor even to verbalize them.
This paper was presented by Imam Muhammad al-Asi at the ‘Dr Kalim Siddiqui Memorial Conference' convened by the Muslim Institute for Research and Planning and the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain in London on November 3, 1996.
As the days and years go by, our certainty and assurance of Allah’s promise and His words increase. In the varying ayaat of the Qur’an reference is made to those who are opposed to the presence of Allah in reality- these types are to be found almost everywhere. In the verses of the Qur’an, Allah (Whose wisdom is overwhelming and Whose Will is overpowering), on several occasions highlights the confusion of those who have made their lives an arena of activity opposed to Gods presence. We were standing here 13 years ago- in those circumstances, the world was another place; there has been many changes that have occurred since that time. In that world of 13 years ago there was a superpower in what they conveniently described as a superpower world; there was a Soviet Union and a United States. In the climate of that world there were tendencies to believe that there was some type of genuine clash of ideologies and policies between one or the other.
And every time the revolutionary determination went into a higher gear, the anti-Islamic forces stepped up their dual stick and carrot approach. One of the carrots some Islamists are nibbling on today is a formula for sharing power. This is not new! What is new is the departure from the Prophet’s policy. The Kingdom of Qurayshi Arabia offered the Prophet to rule and apply Islam for one or two years in their stay, and they would apply their system and regulations for one or two years. Some present day Muslims would celebrate for such an opportunity. Their argument would go as follows: Islam is intrinsically superior to the other ideologies and systems. The people are in dire need of Islam and they know it not. Some people are even Muslims and the only thing lacking in their lives is the implementation of the Islamic penal code and law.