Over its one-year-long genocidal war, the zionist agenda has become clear: murder and/or expel all Palestinians from their land. This includes Gaza, the West Bank as well as Al-Quds/Jerusalem.
Netanyahu’s two objectives in intensifying the war on Hizbullah in Lebanon are to separate it from the Palestinian struggle in Gaza, and assuage public anger over his failure to return the squatters to their settlements in Occupied North Palestine. He will fail in both.
While claiming to be Muslims, the majority of rulers in the Muslim world are absolute munafiqs. Their only loyalty is to themselves, not the well-being of their oppressed people. They must be dealt with according to the Qur’anic prescription.
The late-comer Makkan elite to Islam were Muslims of convenience. They harboured deep animosity toward Muslims and waited for an opportune moment to strike. Umar dealt with them sternly while Usman showed leniency resulting in serious consequences for the Islamic polity.
American politicians are more concerned about the well-being of zionist Israel than their own citizens. This has become clear from the pronouncements of the two contenders for the White House. America is essentially a zionist colony.
Muslims unfamiliar with ground realities in West Asia want to see Islamic Iran and Hizbullah launch a full-scale war on Israel. This would play into Israel and US hands. Like a frog in a pot, Israel is being boiled slowly. It will wear it down leading to its demise.
The news from Pakistan is extremely depressing. It continues to slide deeper into debt while the elite lead a rapacious lifestyle. This is the direct result of the army’s gross interference in politics in complete violation of the constitution. The army installs people in power disregarding the wishes of the masses.
The Taliban may not be sophisticated and their conduct often leads to disappointment but in their three-year rule, they have established security and stabilized their currency. They have also made progress on the diplomatic front.
Masjid al-Aqsa is the first qibla of the Muslims. Its protection is the responsibility of all Muslims yet it is left to the Palestinians to face zionist extremists. The neo-Nazis that dominate Israel’s cabinet are hell-bent on destroying it. The Muslim world must step up to its responsibility.
The Islamic Republic in Iran is Islamic because it refuses to compromise on Islamic principles for the sake of financial or political gains from the forces of kufr, shirk and dhulm. It is paying a huge price but has remained steadfast.
The munafiqeen and a Christian priest established Masjid ad-Dirar, to rival Masjid al-Nabawi. Allah revealed to His Prophet to demolish it. Today the Muslim world is full of Masajid al-Dirar built by munafiq rulers. Will today’s Muslims follow the Prophetic sunnah.
The war in Ukraine is not just between Russia and Ukraine. The entire NATO outfit in involved. This is what makes the possibility of it expanding into the Third World War. The western elite appear determined to destroy the entire world to maintain their hegemony.