Muslims will have to reject the Saudi-Wahhabi distortion of the Prophetic Sunnah and Sirah to truly respect and love the Prophet (pbuh).
The timing of Iraqi protests that have degenerated into violence raise serious questions about imperialist-Zionist conspiracy to destabilize the Iraqi government that can only benefit the enemies of Islam.
Turkey invades northeast Syria while US forces betray the Kurds, yet again, open possibilities for both peace as well as more destabilization of the resource rich region.
White supremacists and Islamophobes continue to harbor a distorted view of Turkey’s history that they want to avenge by killing innocent Muslims.
Long-time human rights activist explains the tragedy of the Kashmiri people and the fascist ideology that has gripped India.
Technology has revolutionized life for billions of people but it also comes with a huge price: abandonment of religion. People without religion despite vast material possessions lead a miserable existence.
The eight million people of Indian occupied Kashmir continue to suffer horrific crimes at the hands of Indian troops. The 24/7 lockdown, lack of food and medicines and suspension of Internet and cell phones have caused immense suffering to the Kashmiris already reeling from decades of Indian brutality.
People are aware of US wars against Muslim countries, many of them ruined beyond repair. There is another, equally insidious war the US is waging against Muslims living in the West through the policy of no fly and watch lists.
Islamophobia is a vast and thriving industry backed by people and organizations with a specific policy agenda. It will require an equally serious effort to confront and defeat it.
Allah describes the noble messenger (pbuh) as the “best of exemplars”. We would do well to study his Sunnah and Sirah properly to imbibe his lofty characteristics in our lives. Many Muslims expect the world to respect the Prophet they ignore.
America’s illegal sanctions against Iran have hurts its economy but with determination and ingenuity especially its resistance economy, the Islamic Republic has overcome Washington’s disruptive policies.
The Ansarullah Islamic movement in Yemen has astonished most observers as it has withstood the five-year onslaught waged by a coalition of heavily armed states.
The US socio-economic and political system is a complete failure but the corporate media continues to project it as a huge success. America’s vital statistics paint a grim picture of its reality.
Another American trained, financed and inflated terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been eliminated because he outlived his usefulness for Uncle Sam. It also serves Donald Trump’s electoral chances by presenting it as a foreign policy success.
Why is Guantanamo Bay, the American-run torture chamber, still open 18 years after it opened its gates to lock up alleged terrorists that turned out to be ordinary people caught in the US dragnet in 2001?
That Muslims are undergoing much suffering is well known. How to change this grim reality is the real challenge. Unless Muslims begin to think within the framework of Islamic principles, they will not achieve the result they desire.
Most Muslims are unhappy with the Saudi occupation of the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah but they do not know how to change the situation. We speculate on what could happen if three countries were to take action…
The 8 million people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir are subjected terrible suffering. India maintains a colonial army exceeding 900,000 in Kashmir.
How can Zionist Israel claim to be a democracy when it has imposed a tight siege of the tiny Gaza enclave where nearly two million people are held prisoners?
Islamophobia has become a serious threat to Muslims living in the West. Hardly a day passes by without some incident.
The people of Yemen were supposed to surrender before the combined military might of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Sudan, the US, Britain, and Israel.