Syrian forces make rapid progress with Russian air support against the terrorists in eastern Aleppo. Next stop will be Raqqa.
This month marks the birthday celebrations of the last two great Prophets of Allah. What is common between them is that they both stood for social justice, something most of their followers seem to have forgotten because they seem to have become engrossed in rituals.
In about 10 years, China’s GDP will surpass that of the US. What does China’s economic and military power mean for the Muslim world?
The problems of Kashmir and Palestine both date back to 1947. While Palestine is well known globally, Kashmir is virtually an unknown entity. Ken Stone of the Canadian Peace Alliance thinks it ought to be brought into mainstream.
Narendra Modi’s anti-Pakistan policy is driven both by internal compunctions and external factors. The bottom line is to appeal to Hindu fascists from whose ranks Modi has emerged.
The Zionists are continuing to create facts on the ground by a furious campaign of illegal settlements on lands stolen from the Palestinian people.
Nigerian army’s sole purpose of existence seems to be to attack and kill as many members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria as it possibly can. Following the army’s massacre of 1,000 members of IMN last December, it embarked on another bloodbath last month.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing the region towards nuclear conflict that will cost the Hindu state dearly.
Defying all predictions, Donald Trump won the US presidential elections against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. He has exposed the US establishment and what it stands for.
Lebanon finally has a president in 29 months. Saad Hariri, a former prime minister, had to submit to ground realities by accepting the choice of Hizbullah, his political rivals, for president.
Under the guise of weeding out members of the Gulenist cult from various state institutions, Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan has embarked upon the wholesale arrest of committed Muslims.
President-elect Donald Trump has made his intentions clear by appointing rightwing extremists into his administration. Almost all of them are extreme Islamophobes.
The noble Messenger (saws) was sent not only to inform but also to transform humanity by bringing it out of darkness and into light. Muslims ought to pay attention to this aspect of the Sirah in this month of Rabi al Awwal.
Letter writer Abdul Jalil Khan says he has no sympathy for the people of America and Saudi Arabia, one for elected a racist as president and the other for tolerating a family of crooks.
If the US were to try and meddle with the Iran deal, it would end up as loser.
By sustaining their campaign against a 700,000-strong army of occupation, the Kashmiris have shown they are not cowed down by oppression and terror. This in itself is their victory.
Donald Trump’s election has caused panic among the takfiris who see their finances and support coming to an end.
There is a clear break between the Egyptians and Saudis despite the Saudis having given billions in aid to Cairo.