At a time when the wars on Syria and to a lesser extent on Yemen have dominated media headlines, the Palestinians’ suffering has fallen off the radar screen. They continue to suffer even if the media would not report it.
Attacks on Muslims and their institutions have risen alarmingly worldwide, especially in the US. Leading politicians and the media are front and centre of this vicious campaign.
The Bani Saud’s latest concoction of an ‘anti-terror alliance’ is no more than an attempt to appease their imperialist-Zionist masters to intensify Shi‘a-Sunni conflict.
Have the warmongers realized that their plot to overthrow Bashar al Asad by military means is untenable especially in the wake of Russia’s bombing campaign? A series of meetings on Syria’s future give rise to some hope for peace.
As the Iran nuclear deal reaches implementation stage, the US Congress has introduced new disruptive measures, such as the Visa Waiver Program to frustrate completion of the deal. Can the US be trusted?
The roots of the Da‘ish terrorists (aka ISIS/ISIL or takfiris) can be traced all the way to the American Zionist neo-cons’ agenda to secure the realm for their favorite country Israel.
1By killing more than 1,000 (perhaps as many as 6,000) members of the Islamic movement in Zaria, the Nigerian army has proved, if proof indeed were needed, that it is an agent of Zionism and imperialism.
The Boko Haram terrorists have been rampaging throughout Nigeria since at least 2009. Instead of going after these terrorists, the army has targeted the Islamic movement that itself is the victim of Boko Haram terrorists.
Peace in Afghanistan is vital for the region but there are players that want to disrupt it, especially members of the Afghan Northern Alliance because they believe such an outcome would diminish their influence and clout in the country.
The illegitimate Aliyev regime is determined to cling to power at any cost, including starting a civil war in the country that would cost it dearly.
Turkey has moved from zero-problem to zero-friendship policy with its neighbors. The only exception is the Zionist regime in Occupied Palestine that had murdered 10 Turkish citizens aboard the Mavi Marmara in May 2010 but it seems all is forgiven now!
The Chechen liberation war has started with great hopes in 1994 but the intrusion of Wahhabism into this predominantly spiritually inclined society destroyed all hopes. Today, Chechen independence is a pipedream.
The clowns in Saudi Arabia never cease to produce rabbits out of a hat. Their latest venture (or adventure) is the 34-nation anti-terror alliance that was announced without even consulting some of its supposed members.
It is imperative for Islamic movement activists to study carefully how the imperialists and Zionists subverted their genuine aspirations for change. The old guard are back in power even after tens of thousands of people protested for months.
What socio-political issues are likely to dominate the year 2016? ICIT director provides some pointers and food for thought.
Reader Ahmet Bayrakdar expresses deep concerns about Erdogan’s policies in Turkey.
Why is there always a military drill when ‘terrorist’ attacks occur? Letter writer Samira Butt also questions the official narrative of the San Bernardina attacks.
Are the Bani Saud coming to the end of their tortuous existence? Muslims need to work to liberate the Arabian Peninsula from their clutches.
Every Muslim group wants unity on its terms, writes a new Muslim making this perceptive observation.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be welcomed in western capitals but his policies are based on racism and caste divisions in India.