Bypassing their political leaders, the Rahbar, Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei sent a message to the youth of Europe and North America advising them to think for themselves and study Islam from authentic sources. He asked whether they knew anything about Islam beyond what the corporate media had told them.
The west’s claim that freedom of expression is absolute contradicts its practices. Even the pro-Zionist Islamophobic magazine, Charlie Hebdo, does not believe in absolute freedom as evident from its own selective practices.
The Islamic revolution in Iran turns 36 this month. To survive in a cruel world dominated by greedy barons and vultures is a remarkable achievement.
The west’s vile propaganda against the Messenger of Allah (saws) cannot do any damage to his noble personality who was sent as a mercy to all the worlds. Muslims will continue to love him more than their own selves.
1How the Islamic revolution in Iran has survived for 36 years despite unrelenting aggression from imperialist and Zionist powers is inspirational. It is the commitment of the people of Iran to Islam and the taqwa of its muttaqi leadership.
While no individual is indispensable, the Saudi regime is facing serious internal and external challenges that point toward its demise sooner rather than later.
The death of King Abdullah (he was 90) on January 23 has exposed the deep fissures in the artificial ‘Saudi’ kingdom. People are demanding their basic rights and will settle for nothing less.
Egypt is a basket case. It needs massive infusion of aid to survive. The Saudi regime and the putative potentates of the Gulf shaikhdoms cannot continue to finance the dictatorship indefinitely. It has had to beg the west for bailout.
President Goodluck Jonathan is brazen to the point of being obnoxious about pouring money into his own area while ignoring other parts of the country especially Muslim majority areas. Nigerians hope the February 14 elections will consign him to the dustbin of history.
Parents of slain school children in Peshawar are upset at the incompetence of the security agencies as well as the fact that the Pakistani establishment is hiding the true casualty figures believed to be more than 500, not 149.
Instead of acknowledging its own role in supporting takfiri terrorists that were unleashed in Syria, the British government is blaming Muslims for their emergence. As Baronnes Warsi said, Muslims will speak out when they know they will be heard.
Instead of acknowledging its own role in supporting takfiri terrorists that were unleashed in Syria, the British government is blaming Muslims for their emergence. As Baronnes Warsi said, Muslims will speak out when they know they will be heard.
As foreign occupation forces prepare to leave Afghanistan, a former Pakistani army chief, General Mirza Aslam Beg thinks Pakistan and Afghanistan can work together to bring peace to the troubled country.
A Jewish American writer living in France refuses to be railroaded into hating Muslims. Her experiences with Muslims are far better than what the corporate media wishes people to believe.
The takfiris’ destruction of Syria’s heritage—indeed of all humanity’s—is extremely serious. The world’s including the UN’s turning a blind eye to this horrendous crime against humanity is shocking.
Afghanistan’s US-created artificial government has run into serious problems as various factions demand privileges for supporting the two contending candidates, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah. The government appears to be dysfunctional.
Pakistani leaders must not rely on Uncle Sam who is untrustworthy, says letter writer Mohamed E. Hawash.
The Muslim world is beset by the problem of agents of imperialism in their ranks. These must be exposed if progress is to be made.
Why the Sheikh of Al Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb did not attend the Unity Conference in Tehran while calling for Muslim unity?
Now Egyptian dictator General Sisi wants Muslims to abandon Islamic historical texts. What qualifications does he have to make such pronouncements?
The Saudis are not only cousins of the Zionists but are actually Zionists themselves.