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Letters To The Editor

Lessons Pakistani leader must learn

Mohamed E. Hawash

Pakistani leaders must not rely on Uncle Sam who is untrustworthy, says letter writer Mohamed E. Hawash.

The break-up of Pakistan by severing the former East Pakistan should have taught Pakistani leaders that solidarity and unity of the home front are essential. Pakistan’s rocky relations with the US should have further taught them that Uncle Sam is no friend and that he would like nothing better than the dismemberment of the country so that he can lay his grubby hands on its nuclear assets.

Pakistanis should also be wary of the sectarian Bani Saud. They are an insidious troublemaker who sow seeds of dissension and fanaticism by brainwashing gullible Muslims with their Wahhabi-takfiri ideology in order to project Saudi Arabia as an island of stability in a sea of turmoil and violence.

The current turmoil in Pakistan calls for national dialogue resulting in a pact that recognizes the value and worth of each individual irrespective of religious or political affiliation. Pakistanis are their country’s most precious asset and should be treated as such. The Pakistan Army should defend Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It should neither render service to Uncle Sam nor allow Obama’s drones to turn Pakistan into killing fields where innocent Pakistani are murdered, maimed, orphaned or widowed.

Mohamed E. Hawash
Gimli, MB, Canada

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 43, No. 12

Rabi' al-Thani 11, 14362015-02-01

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