Not only the US military but even the media including European have resorted to using drones. If the military drones incinerate people with hellfire missiles, the media drones will capture you in all your 'natural' glory. Nobody will be able to hide anymore; not even in their bedroom or bathroom. Get used to it: Big Brother is really watching you!
Pakistani leaders must not rely on Uncle Sam who is untrustworthy, says letter writer Mohamed E. Hawash.
Iran's Revolutionary Guards have successfully cloned the US manufactured RQ-170 Sentinel drone that it had captured in December 2011. At the time of its successful safe landing, the Americans first claimed it had crashed and then said its systems were too sophisticated to be copied. Iran has proved them wrong on all counts showing that people led by muttaqi leadership can achieve great things.
Barack Obama has assumed the mantel of terminator with his drone warfare. Nobody’s guilt need be established; if Obama decides, the person can be eliminated by the push of a button. He has become a serial killer using drones in far off lands.
The US has become addicted to killing innocents with drones but ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Pakistani government to protect its people.
Why is Malala promoted but Nabeela, another Pakistani girl who is the victim of US drone strikes, is ignored, is a question many in Pakistan are beginning to raise including this reader.
Drones have become the weapon of choice for the US because no American casualties are involved. If innocents are killed, that is just “collateral damage”.
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have questioned US drone strikes and say those that authorize them may face war crimes charges. The UN has also condemned them.
Together with Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International released a 62-page report today about US drone strikes in Pakistan. We give below extract of two cases. Eight-year-old Nabeela (in photo), saw her 68-year-old grandmother blown to pieces by two US drone Hellfire missiles on October 24, 2012. US drone strikes had also killed 18 labourers about to have dinner in Miran Shah, North Waziristan.
The Obama regime will continue practicing assassinations.
Drone attacks kill innocents and create enemies. This is precisely what the American war industry wants: endless supply of enemies for endless war.
American hubris is predicated primarily on its claim to technological superiority. This is best reflected in the radar-evading stealth technology used in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) called drones. To be sure, these are deadly weapons.