Electing the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz faction) has simply brought the same old party that had twice before failed to deliver. Amid growing allegations of vote rigging, Pakistanis seem to have opted for merely change of faces.
Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf has shaken the foundations of old alliances but not enough to change the political dynamics in the country, yet.
Failure of the western-backed rebels in Syria has resulted in increased sectarian tensions in Iraq from where the bulk of the mercenaries flooded into Syria. Many have returned and sectarianism is the tool used to divide Muslims by playing on their emotions.
Two Muslim countries—Malaysia and Pakistan—have held elections. People in the third, Islamic Iran, will go to the polls on June 14. There have been complaints of rigging in the first two; only in Islamic Iran are elections held in an organized and proper manner highlighting the difference between a secular system and that based on Islamic values.
The tendency among some Muslims to insist that their particular understanding of Islam is the only correct way has caused numerous problems. These are compounded by rigidity leading to unnecessary conflict when Muslims should be tolerant of different approaches.
Imam Khomeini (ra) whose death anniversary falls this month (June 3) was an outstanding leader whose courage and convictions brought about meaningful change in Iran after the Islamic revolution. Other leaders, primarily in Egypt and Tunisia have failed to adopt bold policies.
One of the essential pre-requisites for leadership is to set a directional course and motivate people to follow it. This is what Imam Khomeini (ra) achieved and brought about the Islamic revolution in Iran.
June marks a grim anniversary for the people and armed forces of Egypt. While Egyptians deal with that grim legacy they are faced with fresh problems in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had hoped during his Washington visit to convince US President Barack Obama to militarily get involved in Syria. The American president did not buy Erdogan’s allegations against Damascus forcing the new pasha to return empty-handed.
Saudi Arabia’s problems have become so severe that even a member of the ‘royal’ family has been forced to speak out publicly. Will King Abdullah and his inner circle take heed of Waleed bin Talal’s warnings?
American attempts to use the Boston bombings to exert pressure on Russia to compromise on Syria at the UN Security Council seem not to have worked.
The cliques that run mosques in North America pursue their own narrow agendas without addressing the burning issues or paying attention to the needs of the people. This has resulted in alienating most Muslims.
America is becoming a militarized police state with increased surveillance and repressive laws imposed on people.
In the second part of this essay, Zafar Bangash, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT) discusses the political culture of Islam and how its revival is essential for the Ummah.
As Muslims reassert the power of Islam in their societies, western regimes, their media outlets and so-called thinktanks have gone hoarse proclaiming the Muslims’ alleged failure.
The role of committed Muslims is to work for social, economic and political justice by interacting with the oppressed in western societies.
Has Libya been ‘liberated’ from the clutches of Muammar Qaddafi’s tyranny or plunged into chaos by the thugs and hoodlums trained and armed by the west? Life for ordinary Libyans has become extremely grim.
The Crescent International should launch a global campaign to liberate the Arabian Peninsula from the clutches of the Saudi family, says Shaukat Ali Khan of Los Angeles.
Barack Obama has proved to be a hypocrite. He had promised in January 2009 to close Guantanamo Bay but hundreds still languish there, writes Mohammed Khan Yousufzai from Pakistan.
Exposing the face of Hindu terrorists is welcomed by reader Syed Nematulla who wants the so-called leaders of Muslims also to be exposed because they are only after personal interests.
What the priorities of the new Pakistani government should be, are listed by Nasir Hussain Peerzadah from Kashmir.
Even a small group of committed Muslims can bring about meaningful change in society, says reader Muslim Mahmood from Nigeria.