The riots in Iraq, Lebanon and Islamic Iran are interconnected. The hands of imperialists and Zionists and their local minions are all visible if only one opens ones eyes…
Islamophobes come in all shapes and sizes and colors. There are white Islamophobes and brown Islamophobes but the latter never learn that their white masters hate them just as much!
For a group claiming to promote human rights, Bnai Brith, the hardcore Zionist entity, takes a lot of liberties with truth. Its latest example is the vicious attack launched against ICIT director Zafar Bangash accusing him of ‘anti-semitism’ and ‘homophobia’.
Nikki Haley was not the US ambassador to the UN; she represented her real masters, the Zionists, at whose behest and whose support she may make a bid for the US presidency.
While there is marked increase in threats from the US and Zionist Israel against Islamic Iran and Hizbullah, should either of the aggressors blunder into launching an attack, they will find the outcome very grim for them.
Killing unarmed Palestinians is routine for the Zionists, as is the unqualified support of Western regimes for such war crimes.
The imperialists and Zionists are deliberately spoiling relations with Russia and China that could easily lead to war.
Wahhabis and religious Zionists share a number of common traits. It is time to study these properly to understand how closely their policies are aligned and why they have openly embraced each other.
Hindu India and Zionist Israel, fellow travelers on the path of Nazism, have embraced each other even tighter. This was evident during Narendra Modi’s visit to Israel last month.
The clannish rulers of Arabia have abandoned the values of Islam and reverted back to the days of Jahiliyah before Islam. Instead of being slaves of Allah, they are slaves of the Shaytan.
Poverty and Saudi Arabia may appear a contradiction in terms yet the kingdom’s economy has suffered massive blows because of wrong-headed policies. The kingdom is on the verge of bankruptcy.
3This is the second part of Zafar Bangash’s article on “change”; the first part was published in the October 2016 issue of Crescent International, concluding with outlining some of the qualities of muttaqi leadership.
3The Saudis are being set up for a fall but they think the imperialists and Zionists are their friends and will save them.
1It came as a shock to the Saudis that they were not only not invited to the Islamic conference in Grozny but that the final communiqué even excluded them from being Sunnis.
1The Zionists not only want to occupy the whole of Palestine but their special target is al Masjid al Aqsa, the holy sanctuary. They have intensified their attacks in recent weeks as Muslim attention is diverted elsewhere.
1Canadian writer and scholar Eric Walberg reviews two books that consider Barack Obama’s legacy as president. Eric Walberg considers the Obama legacy through the eyes of James Petras who wrote The End of the Republic and the Delusion of Empire (Clarity Press, 2016; 254pp., $24.95 pbk), and Jeremy Hammond, author of Obstacle to Peace: The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Worldview Publications, 2016; 538pp., $22.99 pbk).
Ample proof has emerged of the Gulenist cult, backed by the US, in trying to engineer the coup in Turkey. This attempt may have failed but another one cannot be discounted.
1Reader Ahmed Mohamad Ali explains why the Zionists are getting hysterical about the success of Quds rallies in Toronto.
As if bad governance, gross inequalities and mismanagement were not enough, there are some regimes that are deliberately promoting sectarianism to divide the Muslims.
Islamic resistance movements operate under very difficult conditions but they must be careful about who they choose as “friends”. Hamas seems to be drifting toward the Saudis that will certainly result in disaster.