The noble concept of the Khilafah (the Islamic State) has been besmirched at the hands of terrorists and head choppers. This is part of a plan to undermine the aspirations of Muslims for legitimacy, justice and peace.
1The Syrian army and pro-government militias are making steady progress against the takfiris driving them out of many important areas. This has been possible because Russia has been bombing the takfiris strongholds causing massive damage.
The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world hate the terrorist outfit Daesh that goes by several names--ISIL, ISIS or takfiris (for Muslims). Yet this is not something one would find reflected in the Islamophobic media of the West. Instead, they deliberately mislead people making them believe that all Muslims are either terrorists, potential terrorists or their sympathizers. Pew Research has discovered something very different.
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again moved me to speak to you young people. For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to create the framework for a conversation.
What is an Israeli colonel from the Golani Brigade doing helping the takfiri terrorists in Iraq? Colonel Yusi Oulen Shahak was captured by Iraqi security forces according to an announcement by a commander of the popular mobilization forces. The Israeli colonel has already provided much useful information.
Graeme Wood’s attempt to paint the takfiris as “Islamic” is meant to discredit Islam and turn Muslims away from its principles to establish an Islamic State.
Turkey's involvement in supporting the takfiri terrorists in Syria has been talked about but only now has it been officially acknowledge. A statement from the Office of the Governor of Denizli province confirmed that a terrorist commander injured in Syria had been admitted to hospital in Denizli and was receiving treatment there.
America's pretense about fighting the takfiri terrorists is gradually being unmasked. In a new expose, Martin Chulov of the Guardian reveals, based on his conversations with a former detainee at Camp Bucca where the terrorist leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was also held in 2004, that he was given wide access to other groups as well as promoted as a “mediator” whenever disputes arose between the Camp's inmates.