As Muslims celebrate the birthday of the noble Messenger (pbuh), they must bear in mind that his primary mission was to establish social justice in the world. During his 23-year Prophetic mission, he succeeded in doing so creating a system that brought millions into the fold of Islam.
At the recent RIS Conference in Toronto, Hamza Yusuf spoke disparagingly of Black Lives Matter movement and the Muslim Brotherhood. His remarks did not sit well even with some of his ardent supporters. Is there a trend among some white converts to Islam that become celebrities that dismiss widespread racism in the US? Does Islam in any way tolerate oppression and tyranny of the rich and powerful?
Pakistan's best known social worker, Abdul Sattar Edhi passed away today in Karachi. He was 88. May Allah shower His mercies upon his soul and grant him Jannatul Firdaus for all the good work that the did for the poor, needy and downtrodden without asking for anything in return.
1The Gauteng Muslim Shurah Council (GMSC) wishes to extend an invitation to take in an interactive inaugural Conference on ‘Social Justice’ which will Inshallah be held in Daveyton.
America has the highest murder rate in the world yet it wants to export its way of life to others. The ready availability of guns and frustrating any debate on gun-ownership by the National Rifle Association (NRA) means Americans will continue to kill each in large numbers. Families pay the price while vested interests ensure murder statistics keep climbing.
Allah (swt) has linked fasting in the month of Ramadan with the building of taqwa—the active self-consciousness of Allah’s (swt) power presence in our lives. This can only be achieved by caring and sharing with those that are less fortunate than us in the world.
The role of committed Muslims is to work for social, economic and political justice by interacting with the oppressed in western societies.
The Saudis want to ban religious activities also during Hajj and Umrah. What else do they plan to ban?
Who says the Americans hate all the Haqqanis? Take the case of Husain Haqqani, the recently disgraced Pakistani ambassador to Washington, who was such a darling of the Washington neocons that he was publicly feted as a close ally.
While in Istanbul, we witnessed a remarkable display of brotherhood of Islam. Everyday, there were scores of public iftars organized by officials of various districts in the city, starting with the mayor of Istanbul.
The holy month of Ramadan, the month of fasting and the most special time of the year for most Muslims, is almost upon us. It is a time that Muslims everywhere look forward to with anticipation, and the passing of which for another year is widely mourned.
In the search for excellence, we often forget the basics because excellence is a prevailing attitude, not an exception. Parents have the most daunting task of all; they are entrusted with the future of their children...
The UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva debated a new code, the Human Rights Norms for Business, on April 8, in the face of strong opposition from companies and governments in the West and developing countries...
"Social Justice in Islam" is perhaps the best known work of Sayyib Qutb, a leading figure in the Muslim Brethen of Egypt who was executed by the regime of 'Abd al-Nasr in 1966. Despite the years that have passed since Sayyid Qutb's death, the imprint of his thought on the contemporary Islamic movements of the Arab world remains profound. The Arabic original of "Social Justice in Islam" was first published in 1949, but this book in particular retains its relevance in many respects: the persistence of gross socio-economic inequality in most Muslim societies; the need for viewing Islam as a totality, imperatively demanding comprehensive implementation; and the depiction of the West as a neo-Crusading force.
1When, like Kyrgyzstan, you are a small land-locked country in a volatile region, with a poorly-equipped army, you do not engage in battle highly-motivated groups that even mighty Russia is not confident of defeating and that are not targeting you.
Kuwait, the proud owner of the only elected parliament in the Arab Gulf states, has further consolidated its democratic credentials by giving Kuwaiti women the right to vote and to stand in parliamentary and municipal elections.
Thanks to western propaganda, the Hizbullah are often projected as masked men bradishing submachine guns, not unlike those in the movie, Man in Black. Few people are aware of the Hizbullah’s broad range of activities including social and cultural.